Page 44 of An Omega for Anders

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“You’re such a cute family.” Of course Marge was working today. “And I’m aware of how much Anders loves taking photos.”

Covering my face with my hands, I lay my head on the table as Marge giggled and said my secret was safe with her.

“What was that about?”

My cheeks burned, and I took some wet wipes from Brett’s snack bag and wiped my face. “She caught me in the parking lot taking a dick pic for you.”

Brett giggled, and I helped him up, anxious to be away from Marge’s knowing gaze.

Choccie wasn’t allowed in the grocery store, so we dropped him at home. He was bored being in the carrier and had whined from the hardware store to home. I settled him in his bed, surrounded by his favorite toys, and we took off for the grocery store.

Brett yawned as we pulled up. “Why don’t you take the photo and buy all the snacks and we head home.”

“Sounds good.” I’d need to take the last pic back at the restaurant, maybe with Kyle and the two of us. But I could do it another day.

I filled a cart with goodies, plus a vegetarian pizza for dinner, took my photo, and we headed home.

“I’m pooped.” Brett headed to bed while I put the groceries away and let Choccie outside.

“That was fun.” My mate nibbled on fruit I’d cut up. “Maybe we could make it a thing. We could do a restaurant tour. You take me to all the places you ate before you met me.”

“That would be Daxon’s restaurant, Daxon’s restaurant, and let me think… oh yeah, Daxon’s restaurant with a dash of fast food thrown in.”

“You’re exaggerating.”

I was a little, but I was a creature of habit. “And thank gods I did eat there a lot because it led me to you eventually.” But it was the perfect place to take a baby. Everyone in the sizzle ate there with their kids.

“Just think. Next time we eat there, we’ll probably have the baby with us.” Brett’s due date was a couple of weeks away.

“I know.” My mate giggled. “We’ll hire a babysitter and do a tour of all the places where you showed me your cock. The cock tour.”

“Does that include here?” We could go from room to room, recreating where we’d made love.

“We can.” He stuck his hand under the covers. “Wanna start now?”

I yanked down the bedding and pulled out my dick.

“How about we do rock paper scissors and the winner gets a blow job,” Brett suggested.

“How is that fair?” I joked. My mate always won when we did that. Every single time.

He shrugged. “It’s just luck.”

I suspected my mate had made a deal with the universe which was why he always beat me.

“Our lives are going to change, babe.” Brett wriggled his paternity pants over his hips. “Sleepless nights, midnight feeds, burping, diapers, poop, and not much sex.”

My mate was anticipating a win and bringing out his dick and stroking it, knowing how it turned me on and I’d lunge at him and swallow his length.

“In that case, we’d better stock up on blow jobs now.” Now that he was hugely pregnant, he preferred my mouth on him rather than my dick in his hole.

“No rock paper scissors?” He raised a brow.

“What’s the point?” I swallowed his length.

“I think the point is in your mouth.”

Chapter 23

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