Page 43 of An Omega for Anders

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I ordered noodles, and Brett stole some, winding them around his fork and popping them in his mouth.

“Hey, “ I protested. “Get your own.”

“I think I will.” And he called Darcy over.

“Looking back, I felt so alone not being mated, and yet my friends invited me everywhere. I was never left out.”

“And now they’re our friends.” He patted my hand. “My situation was bleak, but I knew there was something better waiting for me.”

“And that would be me!”

He laughed. “I was talking about my job, babe, but yes, my new position led me to you.” He sucked in a noodle. Gods, my mate was hot, his big beautiful belly under the paternity tee. If we weren’t in public, I’d put my hand under the table and stroke his cock. Maybe crawl under and give him a blow job.

“Anders, you have your sexy face on,” Brett hissed.

“Can’t help it. It’s your fault.”

Pleased we’d taken a break, we enjoyed the rest of our lunch and walked over to the community center, and I took another pic.

“Poor Edgar’s accident is what led me to you.”

On we went to the hospital, but not wanting to get thrown out and also endanger my mate’s job, we took a photo outside the emergency room and then in the parking lot where I’d also scented my mate.

“Where to now? I’m peckish and I hope it’s the grocery store.” Brett rubbed his belly and munched on crackers we’d brought with us.

“Soon.” I checked my list. “Garbage bins.” Off we zoomed to our street. As it was Sunday, people were mowing their lawns and kids were kicking balls in the front yards. I got odd looks as I waved and tried to take a photo of the wheelie bins without anyone catching on.

“People are staring,” Brett observed, his cheeks bulging with crackers.

“Okay. The hardware store.”

“Do they sell food?” My mate peered into the snack bag and pulled out a lonesome chip.

“There’s a café near the plant section.” Perhaps I should rename this an Oakheart food tour instead of retracing my steps on the journey to meet my mate.

I needed some rechargeable batteries, so I had a reason to go there. Brett snapped a pic of me in front of the store, and inside, he went one way to get food while I held the dog in her carrier and picked up my batteries before joining him.

Damn, I was reconnecting with my journey, forgetting about Brett’s. I rubbed one eye with the heel of my hand. What an asshat I was.

“Love, I’m so sorry for excluding you.”

My mate was slurping a fresh lemon tea and was attacking a plate of nachos.


I explained and said we could crisscross town, taking pics of where he’d scented me.

“Nah, I’m good.” He picked up a corn chip, laden with guacamole and melted cheese. “This is delicious.” He pushed the plate toward me.

“Yum.” We fed one another corn chips and gooey cheese while offering Choccie his snacks.

“Where to next and what food do they serve?”

“The post office, and they’re closed today, but after a quick photo, it’s on to the grocery store.”

“Yippee!” Brett leaned over and kissed me. His eyes lit up. “Give me your hand.”

He placed my palm on the bump. The baby kicked and kicked again. “Maybe our little one enjoys nachos.” Choccie whined, and I picked up his carrier and Brett swiveled. Our little boy sniffed my mate’s bump.

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