Page 38 of An Omega for Anders

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“That I might be pregnant?”

He grabbed the cup and placed it in my hand. “Only one way to find out.”

I took the test, and we waited and waited. Unlike those sticks, it didn’t take long, and we watched as one line, then two, appeared.

“I’m pregnant. We’re gonna have a baby.” I squealed, wrapping my arms around him, the towel falling to the floor. “We’re gonna be dads.”

He kissed my mating mark. “We’re gonna be dads.”

Chapter 20


“Wait, is that all you’ve got?”

Even though Brett had been spending most nights and weekends at my place when he wasn’t working, today was finally move-in day. I’d borrowed the community center truck and had parked in his driveway nice and early so we could get this done by sundown.

He had a suitcase, a backpack, a box of condiments and dry goods, and a cooler.

“Yeah. It’s more than I arrived with.” He side-eyed the vehicle. “Did you expect me to fill that with all my worldly belongings?”

I shrugged. Stuff didn’t matter, I understood that. Things were meaningless, and what counted was love, safety, and community, and my mate had all of those now that he’d begun this new life.

But I liked mementos; a photo here, a shirt I’d worn the day I formed my company, the parking ticket I got when I double-parked when I arrived in Oakville, not knowing anyone, and a pic of us both with our pregnancy test.

“Let’s go home.” Unpacking would be quick.

Brett already had a drawer and hanging space in my closet for the nights he stayed with me, which was most of the time. He’d had space in the bathroom for his toothbrush and razor, but I hadn’t let him see the renovated main bedroom and bathroom.

In the last few weeks, we’d used the guest bathroom and second bedroom, and I kept the doors to the renovated spaces locked, wanting it to be a surprise. When I showed them to Brett after completing the finishing touches, I needed them to be perfect.

But now it was official and my house would be our home, I was a little nervous.

Why? My beast failed to understand why Brett moving in should be the happiest day of my life.

Make that second happiest. Finding out we were going to be dads was the best day ever. The guest room will have to be redecorated, as it’ll be the nursery.

This bedroom was currently a dumping ground for all items that didn’t have a home. We could make the decisions regarding the nursery as mates.

Great. More noise. More dust. My snow leopard grumbled.


“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Brett slammed the truck door and buckled up.

“Thinking of how much fun we’ll have decorating the nursery?”

He shuddered. “Dust and noise.”

“That’s what my beast said, but it’ll be painting, maybe wallpapering, curtains, light fixtures, maybe a sofa, crib, and other baby paraphernalia.” I redid the carpet this year, so that didn’t need to be changed. “There’ll be very little dust or noise.”

My mate squeezed my hand. “Great. I look forward to swatches of fabric, paint samples, and shopping for our little one.”

Hard to believe a short time ago I’d been complaining to Jonah about my life and the lack of love. Now I had a mate and a baby. My heart was full.

Brett told me he’d settle in while I returned the truck, but I wanted to see his reaction when he took in the renovations.

“Ta-da!” I opened the door to the master bedroom. I was hit with more self-doubt because the choices were all mine and this space was a shared one. A panic attack loomed, but I took a couple of deep breaths.

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