Page 37 of An Omega for Anders

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“You’re exhausted. You threw up for no reason. You’re moving in with a hot alpha. Yeah, kind of checks out.”

“Then I’m mad at you.” I was teasing. I wasn’t mad, I was more trying to buy a few seconds to process this.

“Why? I’m a ray of sunshine.” And truly, he was.

“Because you think I’m pregnant, and you called my baby a parasite.” I rested my hands on my middle, the truth of the word “baby” resonating so clearly. I was pregnant, suddenly I was sure of it.

“Fair.” He eyed the cup. “Now into the bathroom you go.”

I shook my head.

“Not now. I want to wait. I need to take the test with Anders.” It wouldn’t feel right doing it without him. Coming home to tell him I was pregnant and the first person who knew wasn’t him—yeah, I didn’t want to be that guy.

“Okay.” He shrugged. “It’s up to you, but congratulations.”

“We don’t even know if it’s positive.” Although I did. I might not have figured it out on my own, but now that I did, I felt it in my bones.

“Correction, you don’t even know if it’s positive.”

Before I could sass back, he was being called by the pharmacy, something about not having enough of a med he ordered. Good times.

I spent the next hour-ish of my shift planning out how I was going to tell Anders. First, I needed a rapid test from the pharmacy, so I’d be a little late getting home—not by much but enough that Anders would know. Would I pick up flowers to go with it? Or chocolate? Or maybe a little stuffed animal for a new one or something? And, yeah, I was getting ahead of myself, but also, this was important. Possibly the most important thing I’d ever done.

When it was finally time for me to leave, sitting in my locker with the keys was a small bag with my name on it. When I opened it up, inside was a pee cup with a couple of test strips. I didn’t need to go to the store after all.

I owed him all the thanks.

Once home, I dumped my clothes in the washer and headed to the shower, putting the little cup on the back of the toilet, waiting for me.

We were gonna do this.

We were gonna be dads.



Anders needed to wake up soon, the suspense was killing me. I could wake him up, sure, but I didn’t want to, not when he could have an hour’s more sleep.

When I came out of the shower, the smell of his coffee was already filling the air, making me wish I had woken him up and asked him not to make the coffee. As much as I wanted him to have his sleep, I very much did not want that scent attacking my senses. At least not today.

My mate came in and wrapped his arms around me.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” He kissed my cheek and walked around me. “I’ll be right back,” and into the bathroom he went.

I’d forgotten that I left the cup on the back of the toilet until he called me.

“Yeah?” I poked my head in the door.

“Is there something you need to tell me?” He pointed to the cup. Oops.

“That’s a pregnancy test.” Which I wasn’t sure he’d pick up on without my hint because they didn’t look like the kind you bought in the store.

“I was guessing. But why is it here?” He was hesitant, and it gave me a slight pause.

“The doctor on duty thought maybe I might be pregnant.”

“And what does my sexy mate think?” He was already getting excited. Please don’t let me disappoint him by failing the pee test.

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