Page 12 of Cubs & Campfires

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It wasn’t like he had any issue showing off his body—quite the opposite—but this was hardly the way to do it. Not to some poor guy who’d just wandered off a monster hike, only to be greeted by an unsolicited view of another dude’s asshole.

“Fuck! So sorry about that,” said Luca, slightly distracted by an unwelcome spark in his balls, sizzling at the realization of how he was caught, naked and exposed and vulnerable. “I don’t normally greet people in the doggy position.”

It was a half truth, but good enough for now.

Artair shrugged. “Maybe you should? It suits you.”

The comment sparked a moment of focus—a focus that fell on the man’s shirt, gripping his stockiness in a way that spoke of supreme self-confidence in his figure. The pattern was of a smiling cartoon bear with its arms outstretched, and the words Free Hugs written in a sweeping rainbow font.

Oh fuck, Luca thought, as that little spark in his balls turned into a flare. He’s gay.

And not just gay, but clearly thrilled by what he was seeing. That smile. The way he was standing—with one hand on his hip and the other tucking a thumb into his beltless waistband, revealing a tiny sliver of milky skin underneath. All of it spoke to a feel free to stay in just the jockstrap vibe that brought Luca’s own dick to the threshold of no return.

For the first time in years, he had flashbacks to high school. Of standing in front of the class to present a book report and having to scream at his dick to stay soft.

His efforts were failing badly. Because in front of him was an easy-going slab of prime beef. Exactly the kind of thick-all-over furball that made Luca’s mouth water and dick swell. And if he’d been back in the real world, he’d have dragged Artair off to a dark corner and fucked that huge, hairy ass until dawn.

But—as Luca sternly reminded himself—this wasn’t the real world. This was the opposite of that. This was meant to be a refuge from temptation. An oasis free from sexy men with sexy smiles. From hairy hunks slinking within smelling distance and running their hands all over him.

Now properly dressed, Luca tried to regather, shocked at how sharp a reaction the man was having on him.

“You... must be here to sign the register?” Luca said, gulping through a suddenly dry mouth. His brain pointed daggers at his semi-hard cock, still deciding which direction it wanted to move.

“Hmmm?” said Artair, bringing his gaze back from a distracted inspection of the tower, obviously polite enough to give Luca some privacy while dressing.

“The check-in book for hikers?”

“Right! Yes. Sorry. In my own little world.”

The stranger filled in a few lines, chattering away animatedly about how the summer was shaping up and asking how long Luca had been a fire watch.

Luca barely heard any of it, too caught up in the sharp throb in his head and the even sharper one in his pants. The man was so unreasonably sexy that he found himself struggling to keep the conversation short.

Worse still, the more they spoke, the more Luca became certain that he could get this guy naked and groaning with zero effort. There was an incredibly relaxed nature to Artair. A touch of flirtation in every movement.

And as much as Luca’s higher brain wanted the man to get the hell out of his tower and stop being so damn desirable, Luca’s natural instincts were too well-honed to be silenced completely.

What’s the harm in just talking? it said. You’re the only person he’s likely to see on his whole hike. Don’t be rude and turn him away!

And so, Luca found himself offering coffee—gratefully accepted—and sipping it slow, with Artair sitting up on the porch railing, his boots dangling off the ground. Luca found himself laughing at the dumb jokes Artair was making. He found himself leaning at just the right angle to sneak glances at Artair’s bulge—a little too blatant to avoid being caught.

When their cups were drained and the late afternoon breeze fluttered warm against their skin, Artair insisted on checking his head once more.

Luca approached him, nestled between the splay of Artair’s legs. As Artair ran fingers through his hair, Luca felt his visitor slide a free hand gently against his hip.

It was just for balance, obviously. To stop the bigger man falling into one of the garden beds below, but the fingers came to rest a little too low and a little too close to Luca’s crotch to be innocent. There was the slight press of boot heel against the back of Luca’s calves, bringing him closer to the man’s delicious scent.

Luca won the battle to stifle a gasp but lost the battle to restrain his dick. As his head prickled under the soft weight of Artair’s touch, his cock grew to full mast, the thin cloth doing nothing to hide his attraction. His only saving grace from inadvertently breaking his vow of celibacy was that his growing shaft was poking toward the hip that Artair wasn’t holding—otherwise it would have ended up right in his palm.

Luca’s heart beat hard as the man started to hum. Like he had no idea what he was doing. Like his flirtation was completely inadvertent.

Some tiny part of Luca’s rational mind screamed that he should step away. That he should stop this before it was too late.

For Christ’s sake, it’s the first day of summer! I can’t fail on day one!

And yet, he didn’t move a muscle in protest or say a word in objection. Because somewhere deeper and hotter and more urgent refused to intervene. Because somewhere animal and hungry wanted it to keep going.

This near, Artair’s musk was even stronger. Even more alluring. And as much as Luca tried to hold his breath, he couldn’t help himself, breathing deep and hoping like hell that he was being quiet.

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