Page 80 of Our Satyr Prince

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“Look at that,” she said, pointing to a familiar figure roaring with laughter. “Even Mr. Placi is enjoying himself.”

“Oh, he knows everyone in town. He used to be the mid envoy for nonhuman relations when I first started.”

“Mid envoy? But... he’s just the housekeeper?”

“He is now. But he was the longest-serving envoy here apart from Ms. Securia. So the royals made a special exemption for him—they didn’t re-accept his credentials, but they didn’t force him to leave either. He could stay, if he didn’t do any official outreach.”

“Well, that is something, isn’t it?”

Jaspar gave an uncharacteristic scoff. “Maybe. Personally, I think it was their little joke. They knew we’d keep him on as a housekeeper. There were too few of us left with too much work on our plates to do any cleaning. And we couldn’t risk locals rattling through our desks and overhearing things they shouldn’t. Besides, what better way to insult Mestibes than making the former second-in-command dust and do dishes all day.”

“That’s so cruel! They can’t do that.”

“They can and they did,” he said with a downcast expression. “And between you and me, I don’t think it’s an accident that our most senior nonhuman got that treatment.”

Before they could wallow, the music kicked into a faster beat, accompanied by a clap-clap-stomp from the attendees.

Jaspar’s eyed the dance floor, his expression lifting. “Come on! This is my favorite giant song!”

“Ohhh, no. Believe me, you don’t want to see me dance.”

“Come on, Teigra. How many giant weddings are you going to attend in your life?”

“But... I don’t even know the steps. What if I insult everyone?”

“Giants don’t care about that. They just care that you’re having a go!”

Her pulse quickened. The thought of all those people—Ms. Securia and Mr. Placi and especially Jaspar—seeing her sad excuse for dancing was too much.

Jaspar gave a soft smile. “You’re right. It is a bit silly.”

“Oh, no, you can still go!”

“And leave you here on your own? That wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me!”

His face bore some disappointment, but no obvious resentment. If she wanted to stay at the side, he wouldn’t force her or make her feel guilty about that. And nor would he leave her on her own.

And yet, the cold dampness of the cave suddenly felt colder. She thought back to how he’d praised her in the outskirt towns. How she was improving. How she was settling in.

With a sigh, and pushing down the intense embarrassment, she took his hand and joined the towering figures.

It was awful.

She was awful.

All through the dance, she looked around desperately, trying to pick up the steps.

And yet, when she turned to apologize to Jaspar, he was making the same mistakes she was—stomping on the wrong beat, moving left instead of right, twirling at the point they were supposed to stay still. So arhythmic was he, that his golden nose loop was flopping around like a lazy dog.

But, he said it’s his favorite giant song? I know he’s clumsy, but surely he knows the proper step—

The realization came with a flutter in her stomach.

He was doing them wrong on purpose. Just so she wouldn’t feel bad.

Oh... Jaspar...

As he smiled at her—without judgment or critique—an unfamiliar warmth grew in her chest.

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