Page 161 of Our Satyr Prince

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At last, just when his heart couldn’t take anymore, Calix released his hand, only to extend it once again, this time for a shake. “Proxenos Savair, I welcome you to the Brotherhood of Ardora. May you serve with passion and loyalty.”

Aurelius took the hand, the grip firm.

He felt like he would cry.

Then, looking into his honey-colored eyes to make sure it was agreeable, Aurelius embraced him.

He didn’t dare kiss him. Not yet. Not after the forgiveness he had shown. Instead, he nuzzled his head into the man’s neck, having to stand on tiptoes to do it, with his thick beard against his forehead.

Calix smelled of clean fabric and rosemary. His big arms surrounded him, wrapping him in an ocean of safety.

“I love you, Calix,” he whispered, no longer able to hold the tears back.

“I love you, too, Aurelius,” whispered the prince, running a big hand through his hair, trailing down his slender back, down toward his perky—

There was a twitch by his stomach. Calix pushed him away, holding him at arm’s length. The soldier’s face blushed as red as his cloak.

The bulge beneath the prince’s uniform jutted the skirting strips of studded leather. It was the same bulge that soon jutted out from his own clothing, remembering the big beast that had consumed him a week earlier. He yearned to touch it, to taste it, to feel it again.

With all his willpower, he resisted. “We should take things slow,” said Aurelius, with a chuckle.

“Yes,” said Calix, looking directly into the afternoon sun. With a blinking grimace, the bulge finally went away. “And we should get moving. The strategos and his new proxenos shouldn’t miss the signing of the agreement they helped forge.”

“No,” said Aurelius, turning up his nose and doing his best military march. “One must ensure that one’s new subjects see one at the helm, mustn’t... one?”

“They aren’t your subjects, Aurie. You won’t be issuing any orders.”

“Oh, come on! Just a few here and there?” Aurelius said, giving him a playful shove. “And honestly, how do you hide that thing?”

“It was even worse when I was your age. I had to wear two loincloths, and he’d still stick out at the worst possible times.”

“Sounds like you were quite the bull.”

“You have no idea. You wouldn’t have been able to handle me.”

Aurelius gave him a little wink, running his tongue along his lips. “Oh, I think I’ve shown that I can handle you just fine, my prince.”

“Stop!” pleaded Calix, the tent growing anew. “Why would you say something like that?”

“Control yourself, Strategos!” said Aurelius, dragging him by the elbow. “We can’t miss the big ceremony!”



Zosime turned sharply.

If Teigra had been expecting a scream or call for backup or any other concession to the fact that the princess had been outwitted, she was to be disappointed. That single moment was all she got.

Instead, Zosime gave a patronizing laugh. “I knew you were hiding there,” she said, looking from beneath her long locks of raven hair. “Why do you think I came here alone? Consider it a small kindness to let you out of that pathetic hiding spot.”

Teigra pursed her lips. That was a lie. It had to be! Someone like her? On a mission like this? She wouldn’t let her just hang around for two days without intervening.

“Why did you do it?” she hissed. “Why did you sabotage Calix and I?”

Zosime rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. It doesn’t suit you.”

Teigra clenched her teeth to stop herself from screaming. “Dramatic? You ruined my life!”

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