Page 141 of Our Satyr Prince

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Then came another spike of heat, only to be drawn cold once more.

Each cycle drained him deeper, leaving his insides empty. One second he was hit with euphoria, only to fade to an even deeper loss. Again and again, faster and faster, so frequent and so devastating that each cycle rolled into the next. From deep inside, Aurelius felt it happening, like cloth tearing, each strand of fabric clinging to prevent it.

His lust.

His desire.

His joy.

His exuberance.

His confidence.

All of it was torn from him.

The night crept closer, surrounding him in void, until he was lit by nothing but the golden eyes of the man he loved.

And he didn’t fucking care.

Because in that moment, their mouths still hot around each other, the prince still gripping him close, he didn’t give a fuck what Calix took from him.

Because right now, they were one.

Because right now, they were everything.

I love you, Calix, he thought.

And as the darkness wrapped around him like a blanket of frost, there came the voice. Not of the beast, but of the man, crackling through his skin with the echo of ages.

I love you too, Aurelius.

With a contented sigh, he let the black envelop him, fading away into soft, freezing nothingness.



It was Fabulosa.

She looked exactly like a siren. Not like she was dressed as one—as the half-dozen other Ondocians now staring over top their golden goblets did—but how the real thing must surely look.

Her costume was made of material so sheer and fitted and matching so completely to her skin tone, that it looked like she was naked from the stomach up, all across her breasts and face and arms. A different, feather-lined fabric concealed from just above where her passage of pleasure began all the way down her legs, with an elaborate set of beautiful, ornate wings fixed on her back. Closer inspection showed that both the feathered and nonfeathered cloth was cut to just barely cover her intimate places.

“My dear, how rapturous to see you,” she said. “Please meet some darling friends of mine from Glintcrown. One of the outer islands, you know. But don’t hold that against them! They produce more gold and silver there than anywhere else in Dynosia. They’ve come down just for the evening.”

“Well, we heard such wonderful things about the party,” said a well-fed man in far too small a costume. “And we thought we should have a go before this war kicks off!”

“Teigra, this is Satrap—” She stopped. “My dear, whatever is the matter?”

Suddenly, the noise and sounds which had been so comforting just moments ago felt wrong. The clap of cups toasting, the roar of laughter, the smell of wine—wine, everywhere wine! The crowd pressed against her chest. Voices came from a distance, dizzy and dazed.

Suddenly, the streets went by in a blur, until, with a distant pop, even that noise filtered away.

When the spinning finally stopped, she was inside the Ondocian embassy—lit by heavy candlelight. Fabulosa was leading her gently by the arm.


“You fainted, my dear. Passing out in the street? It seems you really are becoming a local!”

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