Page 113 of Our Satyr Prince

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She prodded a huge finger into his chest.

Aurelius grasped the single digit and shook it, as much to steady himself as for the companionship. “I couldn’t agree more, Oleander. Kill ’em all I say! What does Rinath bring Dynosia? Nothing! Ardor brings wine and feasts. Vatic brings medicine. Ondo brings gold and luscious fabric—just like you’re wearing tonight, Mousebane, don’t think I haven’t noticed!” He said this to an enormous figure at the back, with a half bolt of shit fabric tied around her broad shoulders. “But what does Rina bring, eh? Just steel and sand and snow and chimera piss.”

They all laughed.

Or he assumed it was laughter.

Either that or the kobolai were making noises like spooky spirits.

Probably laughter.

“So, what you gonna do?”

“Now don’t you worry your pretty little... ah... enormous face about it, Nightshade,” he slurred to another of the giantesses, who didn’t even have the decency to stay in focus. “I’ve got a plan. Got a man I’ve been working real good. Well, you whores know how it is. Been getting him real invested. Inveshtad? Inverstid? Whatever. He can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Then why ain’t you with him?” snickered one of the kobalos, bouncing from his left ear to his right. “Why you here like a sad old drunk? Pin dick sad old drunk!”

“Oh, you know. He likes me so much he’s been staying away. Scared of his feelings.”

Aurelius could tell from the looks of the humans up back—raising their eyebrows and shaking their heads—that they knew exactly what he was talking about. Course they did.

“But if he keeps staying away,” he continued, “I got other plans! Cause I know his secrets!”

Oleander snorted. “Yeah? And you reckon you got a month till it all goes pussy up? Then what you waiting for? If I ’ad dirt that could save my people, I’d be out there making it ’appen!”

He waved his hands. “I’ll do it. I’ll do it. I’m just waiting for the right moment.”

“When would that be, eh? After the first arrows’ve been fired?”

Poor Oleander, he thought, draining his mug. She didn’t have his expert sense of timing. Of course he’d do it. There was no reason not to. Calix’d had his chances and used ’em all up! He’d been given all the space he could want. And he was still staying away? From him? From the fucking herald of Mestibes?

Well, that was what Mother said when she first gave him the mission, right? If you can’t seduce him, blackmail him?

That was the next step.

And he would do it.

If Calix didn’t yield, then he’d ruin him!

He didn’t care if he harmed Calix. He didn’t care if it got him killed! He was on a mission. That was all that mattered! This was his future at stake!

He would do it!!

Any second now he would do it!!

So do it, you pathetic fuck! What is wrong with you? Have you lost your touch?

His mouth washed with wave after wave of sweet crimson.

But... he saw something in me...

Better than all of this...

He saw... me.

“Oi, Mestibes?” came a voice from beyond.

Ahead were three giants, all dressed like the barman and all doing an amazing trick of synchronizing their movements a few feet from each other.

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