Page 28 of Her Dangerous Groom

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He forgot what it was he was thinking, and all he could do was stare as Gazelle took the bouquet from his hands.

"It's gorgeous, Lorenzo."

It was her first time to say his name, and the sound of it was like a hammer that smashed the wall around his heart into pieces in one easy swing.

"Thank you," she said softly.

He had no fucking idea what to say, and so he stayed silent.

A smile tugged at her lips. "Am I right to think you don't like to talk much?"

"I talk when I need to."

Her smile widens. "As opposed to us girls, you mean? Since we talk even when we don't need to?"

Lorenzo shrugged, but this only had his wife releasing a soft, lovely laugh that had an instant impact on his body.

The door to the dining room opened again, and Teo's smile was one of blatant satisfaction when he saw the bouquet in his wife's hands.

"May we start serving the first course, signore, signorina?"

Lorenzo gave his majordomo a warning look. This is the last time you'll meddle with my marriage, old man.

But Teo only acted as if he had been given the green light for dinner service to start. "Very good, signore."

Lorenzo was starting to feel seriously pissed. It was time to make Teo understand that his marriage was no joke, and—-

What the hell?

Gazelle had taken the initiative to slip her hand in his, but she was also blushing as she glanced up at him.

"I just thought it was important that I match your honesty."

Again: what the hell?

"None of my brothers were as forthcoming as you are when they were first married. And that's why I want you to know how much I appreciate this." She lifted the bouquet she was holding in her other hand.

They were just flowers, for fuck's sake. Why was she making it seem—-

"And that I want the same thing, too," she said earnestly, "even if neither of us has fallen in love before.

—-that he had confessed his love for her?

"I've seen how things progressed between my brothers and their wives, though, and so I think it should be the same for us."

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"We just have to spend as much time with each other, and love should follow naturally."

No, it would damn well not.

A muscle started ticking in his jaw, and his mood only worsened when he saw Teo and the rest of the staff struggling to keep their faces straight as they took their leave.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Lorenzo waited until he was alone with his wife before grabbing her shoulders. It was time to make her understand only an idiot would equate a bouquet of roses to a romantic confession.

But when he gazed down at her, and she smiled up at him—-

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