Page 113 of Clashing with the CEO

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Daniel let out a noise that was half scoff, half chuckle.

Neil pointedly checked his watch. “I have a busy schedule ahead of me.”

“And Miss Cross?”

“She has Luxmore business to attend to.”

“I’m sure I could rustle up a desk for her.”

“There’s no need. She can work at the hotel, and I’m sure it will be more comfortable for her.”

“Very well. Then I’ll see both of you tomorrow.”

“Yes. Have a good day, Daniel.”

Daniel gave a sharp nod in response before striding off.

“It appears I can’t leave you by yourself for a few minutes in this building,” Neil said.

“Do you think Daniel purposefully went looking for me?”

“I do. What did he say to you?”

“Nothing much. He made some comments about the presentation, and how it was convenient you brought me with you. I wonder what he wants?”

“I can think of a few ideas. Like I said, it would be best if you returned to the hotel. The rest of my meetings today are one on one.”

I scrutinised Neil’s appearance, looking for lingering signs of ill health. Some of the colour had returned to his face, and his eyes looked clearer and brighter than before.

“Will you be okay?” I asked. “How do you feel now?”

“Much better.”

“That’s good.”

I considered mentioning my belief about Daniel drugging Neil on purpose, but thought better of it. Daniel’s home turf wasn’t a good place to bring it up.

“There’s a taxi stand across the road from the main entrance of the building,” Neil said. “On second thought, I have some time. I’ll escort you to a cab.”

I followed Neil to the ground floor, then outside to the taxi stand. The contrast between the air-conditioned building and the blistering heat outside was stark. A warm clamminess bloomed on my forehead and underarms.

Neil leaned close to me before I got in the cab. “Be alert if you decide to leave the hotel. I don’t mean to alarm you, but it’s possible someone could be watching you.”

His words spooked me. I didn’t know how to react except to nod. I climbed into the cab, and Neil closed the door.

His warning echoed in my head as the car started to move.


I realised the driver was trying to get my attention. “Yes? Ah, sorry. The Laurent Hotel, please.”

Did Neil really think I was of such interest to Daniel that he would have me monitored? I supposed it would explain how Daniel found me so easily after the meeting. But to have his eye on me outside the confines of Zelthia headquarters as well…

I shook my head. Neil just wanted me to be cautious. That’s all. He had to play it safe in case Daniel was suspicious of his actions—and my actions were an extension of his.

When I got to the hotel, paranoia made me check my surroundings as I walked to my room. No suspicious individuals in the lobby, no one getting into the lift with me or following me down the corridor. My room was just how I’d left it, except for the fresh bed linen, towels, and vacuum cleaner tracks in the carpet. Neil’s belongings were all gone—he had already moved into another room.

I set my laptop on the desk and pulled out the chair to sit down. That’s when I noticed one thing Neil had forgotten. His shirt from the previous night was draped over the chair. I picked up the crumpled garment. Even though it was dirty from the long hours of wear and the humidity, I admired it because it belonged to him. My thoughts returned to being in bed with him, and my cheeks broke out in a flush of heat. How did I even make it through the day in his presence when that had happened? Sighing, I placed the shirt on my bed and made a mental note to return it to Neil when he came back to the hotel—whatever time that might be. At last, I settled at the desk to check my emails and catch up on work.

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