Page 112 of Clashing with the CEO

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I didn’t stop for questions, keeping the momentum going as I moved from slide to slide. At last, I reached the end, and for the first time since I had begun, I allowed myself to look directly at the audience members and gauge their reactions. Some faces showed mild interest, but the prevailing mood resembled boredom. Boredom was fine. I could work with boredom. At least it wasn’t outrage or disapproval.

Satisfied with my performance, and glad it was over, I made a move to step down, but before I could leave the platform, Daniel spoke. “Does anyone have any questions for Miss Cross?” he asked with a malicious undertone.

My whole body clenched as I anticipated probing questions designed to trip me up.

A man in the audience leaned forward and bellowed into his microphone. “I would be interested in knowing how those results compare to the original projected outlook of a merger with Flerotech.”

The question was just as thorny as I expected, and my mind was blank. I couldn’t see Daniel’s face from my position, but I could imagine his glee. Finally, something that would out Neil’s foolishness.

But Neil wasn’t having any of it.

Though his face was scrunched in pain, he bent towards his microphone. “There is no such comparison to be made. The Flerotech merger would have effectively dissolved the company. Any more questions can be directed to me. You all have my contact details. I’ll get back to you over the coming days. All will be answered, I assure you.”

The rigidity of my body melted away in relief. I hurried back down to my seat before anything else could go wrong.

“You have your secretary well-trained,” the chairman said to Neil in a way that made it sound like I was a domestic animal.

Neil just nodded in response.

Neil and I left as soon as the meeting concluded. Once we had some distance from the meeting room, Neil guided me to a vacant area on the same floor and asked me to stay put while he sorted himself out. Seated on a bench between two tall and leafy potted plants, I pulled out a book to read and awaited his return.

While I was absorbed in my reading, I didn’t notice someone come up to me.

“Miss Cross.”

My skin crawled in reaction to the voice. I looked up from my book and saw Daniel Ling glaring down at me.

I tried to appear calm, though I felt anything but. I had to be on my guard. “Mr. Ling,” I said politely, getting to my feet.

Daniel regarded me with interest. “That was quite the performance you pulled back there.”

“I know it wasn’t ideal, but I couldn’t let Mr. Kingston present while sick.”

“How considerate.”

I plastered on a smile. “Just doing my job.”

“It worked out to be very convenient that he brought you along, didn’t it?”

“You’re right. I’m glad that Neil trusted me enough to accompany him and to let me present in his place.”

“I wonder?—”

I didn’t get to hear Daniel finish with his train of thought because a third party interrupted our conversation. Neil had returned. I relaxed straight away, just knowing he was with me.

“Daniel, what business do you have with Amelia?”

Daniel rearranged his face into an affable look. “I was just complimenting her on the informative presentation.”

“She did well.”

Daniel looked him up and down. “You seem to have a spring back in your step.”

“I’m feeling much better now, thank you.”

“Had I known you had become such a lightweight, I wouldn’t have insisted on taking you out last night.”

“New Zealand does not have much of a workplace drinking culture compared to Singapore. I’m out of practice.”

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