Page 110 of Clashing with the CEO

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“I’m sure you’ll feel better once the paracetamol kicks in.”

“Yes. I’m sure you’re right.”

The hint of doubt in his voice didn’t escape me.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Iwas the only woman in the room at the shareholders’ meeting and definitely the youngest. Grey hair, spectacles, and business suits were the prevailing features of the attendees, with Neil and Daniel sticking out as youthful by comparison.

During a long round of introductory pleasantries, Neil steered me towards a tall man with silver hair, a neat beard, and glasses with thick black rims.

“Good morning, Alan,” Neil said.

The man grinned. “Ah! The protégé has returned!”

I noted he had an English accent much like Neil’s. What did he mean by protégé?

“Alan, I’d like you to meet my new secretary, Amelia Cross. Amelia, this is Alan Dixon, CEO of Avenex Holdings, an investment firm based in London and one of Zelthia’s largest shareholders.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Dixon,” I said.

“Pleasure, Ms. Cross.”

He had a kind of dark and twinkling charisma, which made me think he might swoop down and kiss my hand. He did not, however. Thank goodness.

Dixon’s attention returned to Neil. “I must say, you’re looking rather peaky. Are you quite all right?”

“Late night last night and one too many drinks, I’m afraid.”

“That will do it.”

The pair of them chatted for a spell before Neil whisked me away to talk with other people.

Following the period of pre-meeting socialising, everyone settled into their designated places at desks arranged in a layout of two concentric square-cornered U shapes. The open ends of the formation faced a central desk, the placard on which read “Daniel Ling, President, Zelthia Group.” A lectern stood on a raised platform behind the desk, with a large screen dominating the back wall bordered by a pair of black curtains draping from ceiling to floor. A flag bearing the company’s logo hung limp in the corner.

Looking around, most of the shareholders had come unaccompanied by an assistant or business partner, so in addition to being young and female, this also made me feel conspicuous. I sat up straight and squared my shoulders, trying to conceal my self-consciousness. Meanwhile, Neil shifted in his seat beside me, his posture slouched as he rested a hand on his stomach. I instinctively reached for the complimentary bottle of mineral water on our desk and poured him a glass. “Stay hydrated,” I said.

Neil accepted the glass. “Thank you.”

Daniel Ling took up residence at the main desk, his beady eyes scanning the room. When his gaze fell upon Neil, the corners of his mouth twitched up in a deranged sort of smirk. He tapped the microphone in front of him.

“Now that we’re all settled, let’s get on with today’s agenda. First up, we have the proposed alliance with Magnium Oil. We need a majority vote to go ahead with the partnership?—”

A man stationed at the desk opposite Neil’s and mine suddenly stood to his feet. He fidgeted with his phone in his hands, forehead wrinkled and lips quivering.

“Yes, Mr. Lee?” Daniel asked with thinly veiled irritation.

“Chairman Donald Ling will be here soon.”

The room erupted into murmurs.

“How can that be?” someone asked. “He’s confined to a hospital bed.”

“Chairman Ling is coming to the shareholder meeting,” Mr. Lee reiterated. “Right now.”

The words had barely left his mouth before the double doors at the back of the room flung open. A hush fell as everyone’s heads turned to witness the late arrival. An elderly man in a wheelchair entered the room, surrounded by an entourage of black-suited men with straight-faced expressions.

So, this is the chairman.

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