Page 109 of Clashing with the CEO

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Neil heaved himself into a sitting position, his shirt a crumpled mess, while I adjusted my top, covering myself up.

Neil scratched his head. “I remember arriving in this hotel room, but I don’t remember getting into bed with you.”

“Because you didn’t.” I couldn’t let Neil believe he was the one who had instigated this scenario. I respected him far too much for that. “You fell asleep on the bed while I went down to reception. I couldn’t get another room because the hotel was fully booked, and I couldn’t wake you up when I returned… I was just so tired. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry.”

Some of the stiffness melted from Neil’s shoulders. “Hmm. I should have tried harder to stay awake and not put you in such an unreasonable position.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Neither is it yours.”

An awkward lull passed between us. I was more aware than ever that we were in bed together. Neil and I. Me and my boss.

“I’m going to have a shower,” I said quickly.

“Go ahead.”

I jumped out of bed and scurried to the bathroom, unable to take a breath until the door was closed and locked behind me. My heart was still beating a million miles a minute. Neil had been understanding of the situation, so why was I an emotional wreck?

The hot shower soothed my frayed nerves, but I still felt skittish afterwards. I had to get changed back into my leggings and t-shirt because I had forgotten to bring other clothes into the bathroom with me. When I emerged, Neil was sitting at the foot of the bed, cradling his head in his hands with a pained expression on his face.

“Are you okay?” I asked, coming to his side.

“My head is killing me.”

I had an urge to lay a sympathetic hand on his shoulder but stopped myself. “I have paracetamol. Do you want some?”

“Yes, please.”

I poured a glass of water in the bathroom, then located a foil blister pack of pills in my toiletries bag. Neil was massaging his temples upon my return. He accepted the water and paracetamol and gulped them down.

“I’m not surprised you have a headache after the state you were in last night,” I said. “But I am curious. I thought you said you didn’t drink.”

“There are two sides of me.”

I quirked a brow. “What does that mean?”

“I have to be a different person in Daniel’s presence.”

I kind of caught his drift, but I also wondered if he was still slightly drunk.

“I’m sorry you saw me like that,” he said.

I shrugged his comment off. “You were remarkably put together for someone so inebriated.”

The corner of Neil’s lips twitched up. “Was I?”

“Apart from the throwing up, I mean.”

Neil winced.

“Don’t worry. I’m not judging you.”

He glanced at his phone. “We better get ready. We should leave soon.”

“Will you be okay?”

“I have to be. The shareholder’s meeting won’t get cancelled over my hangover. Everyone’s expecting me to speak.”

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