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“Why would you think that?”

He runs a hand over his beard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows hard. “I saw how people looked at you. They were staring at you just for being with me, and I couldn’t fucking stand it. I felt like I was dragging you down, forcing you to deal with all the stares and whispers that come from being a giant with a face like mine.”

Something fierce flashes through me. “I don’t give a damn if people stare at us!” Hot tears stream down my face, but I ignore them. “I know all about being stared at, Duke. My whole life, I’ve tried to avoid attention because of my weight, making sure nobody has a reason to notice me. Fear has held me back for years, all because of what some idiots back in high school thought. But I’m not letting it ruin my future, too.” I cross my arms, glaring up at him through my tears. “If you’d taken the time to ask me how I felt before trying to make up my mind for me, I would have told you that.”

Duke stares at me, breathing hard. For a moment he doesn’t say anything, like he’s still processing my words.

“I’m sorry, Ariana,” he says eventually, taking a step toward me. “You’re right. It’s not my decision to make—it’s yours.” His brows knit together, his face crumpling like he’s in pain. “I’m sorry for hurting you. That’s the opposite of what I wanted.”

“You barely said a word to me this morning. You treated me like a stranger, wouldn’t look at me.” I sniff, drying my eyes with the back of my hand. “Of course it hurt. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

Duke lets out a shuddering sigh and closes the gap between us, pulling me into his arms. He holds me close, pressing a kiss on my head.

“I want you more than anything in the world,” he says, his voice muffled against me. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Ariana.” His arms tighten around me, squeezing me. “You’re right. I was an asshole, and I hate myself for hurting you.” He pulls back to look at me, resting his hands on my shoulders. “It won’t happen again, princess. I swear.”

He looks so sincere that I half expect him to get on his knees and wring his hands together. And even though I’m mad at him for pushing me away, I believe he means every word he’s saying.

“I accept your apology…but I’m scared.” My lip is going to start bleeding soon if I keep anxiously biting on it like this. “What if we go out and get stared at some more? How do I know you won’t try to push me away again?”

Duke’s eyes pierce mine, full of fierce intensity as he says, “Because I’m in love with you, Ariana.” My heart smashes against my rib cage, sucking the breath from my lungs as he continues talking. “Now, I know I can’t live without you. And even though I still think you deserve better, there’s no way in hell I can let you go. I was an idiot to think I could.” He lifts a hand to my cheek, running his thumb across my skin. “You’re in my veins, princess. I’m fucking crazy about you, and if you give me a chance, I promise to make up for being a jerk this morning. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine. Anything.”

My throat burns at his words, but this time, the tears that fall are joyful.

I’m in love with you, Ariana.

You’re in my veins, princess.

I rise on my tiptoes and throw my arms around his neck, my heart soaring at the affection in his eyes. It’s like he’s staring deep into my soul, peering at all the rawest, ugliest parts of me and still wanting me anyway.

“I love you too, Duke.” It’s the first time I’ve said those words. They send a shiver through me, but I know the moment they leave my lips that they’re true. This man has captivated me from the moment we met, and I reach up to run my thumb across the scar on his cheek. “Everything about you. And I know it’s not easy for you to believe that. It’s hard for me to believe good things about myself too. But I love you just as you are. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Duke might see himself as some kind of ugly brute, but in my eyes, he’s a dream come true. My happy ending. I love this wild giant and his handsome, scarred face. And if I’m capable of loving all the things he hates most about himself, maybe it goes both ways.

Maybe he’s capable of loving all my imperfections in return.

Maybe, one day, I can love them too.

“I feel the same, princess,” Duke says, smiling beneath his beard. “I love you just the way you are. You’re perfect, and I’m never letting you go.” He runs his hands through my hair, leaning down so that his mouth brushes my ear. “You’re my girl now, Ariana. Forever.”

Then he kisses me—a long, lingering kiss full of passion and promises—and butterflies explode in my chest as he lifts me into his arms, holding me tight. The world seems to spin, dancing around us as our mouths meet desperately, our hearts beating as one.

I smile against Duke’s lips, and when he pulls back to look at me, those deep blue eyes turning molten with love, I know that our story is only just beginning.



It’s a warm summer evening in Cherry Hollow as I park outside Midnight Tales, my wife’s bookstore. She’s been running this place for two years now, ever since I bought her the empty premises beside Mountain Brew. Now her cozy bookstore is a thriving local business, and she even has a couple of employees to help take care of things.

I head into the store, grinning when I catch sight of my wife sitting behind the counter with her nose in a book. She’s so engrossed in the story that she doesn’t seem to hear me as I wind past overflowing shelves and stuffed armchairs, my gaze never leaving her face. I love watching her read. She’s so fucking cute. Obviously there’s something surprising happening in the book because her mouth is open, eyes wide as saucers. With frantic fingers, she turns the page and lets out an audible gasp at something she reads.

“I knew it!” she mutters. “I knew it was him.”

Holding back a chuckle, I clear my throat loudly, and Ariana’s head snaps up.

“Oh!” She grins at me sheepishly. “Hey, you. I didn’t hear you come in.”

My wife gets up from her chair, and my heart jolts at the sight of her swollen belly. It still blows my mind to think that this perfect woman is carrying my baby—our tiny daughter curled up safely inside her. She’s nearly five months along, and our excitement is building every day.

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