Page 99 of Royally Yours

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“That makes one of us,” I answered, hoping he understood that my heart was already taken. Fitz turned back to me, brows slightly crushed from the effort it took to keep our confessions internal. He didn’t say a word though. How could he? Everything had been said and we still couldn’t find a way through it.

His fingers linked with mine, threading until they were wrapped together. Fitz squeezed as if he meant to put his arms around me vicariously through our matched grip. It only made it hurt more, but maybe I was a glutton for punishment because I didn’t want to let go.

As if setting off an alarm, I noted a cameraman started in our direction. Mom had told me all about the drama back home. I was being broadcast on every channel and more than one network had called her looking to do an interview with me about my possible whirlwind affair with the Crown Prince of Nolcovia. Clearly, the cameramen had new orders and my ban from camera time had been lifted.

“Thank you, Your Highness, for your kind words.” I eased my hand from his, hating the way his face betrayed my obvious rejection. To him, it looked like I was shutting him down for his effort to connect, but I couldn’t feed the rumor mills. With the slightest tilt of my head, I tried to motion toward the cameras that were heading toward us like sharks who smelled blood in the water.

His confusion snapped to understanding as he spotted them. “Yes, I’m sorry your dog…” Why did he mention a dog? Was this improv? “… was sold… to that circus.”

I froze. Circus? Who sells a dog to a circus?

“Yeah, that sucked… and it was super random… but… hey, clowns, right? That’ll be fun.”

“Indeed. Pardon me, I must check on the others.” Fitz moved away like I’d lit his suit jacket on fire. Truth be told, I might have if it meant I could have escaped that a little sooner. With a fleeting look of disapproval, the closest cameraman left.

“Higher, Lady Mick!” Macie called as the swing slowed. I quickly went back to work, trying to get it moving higher again. For a moment, I thought about the prize for the day. The lady of court with the biggest heart would get time with the prince.

Was it foolish to hope I’d proved myself worthy of winning?


I had more to say to Coco, but with the new interest in her, it would have to wait. I still wasn’t okay with how things had transpired and I needed to understand what I’d walked in on, and what would have happened if I hadn’t. Kabir hadn’t been incredibly forthcoming that night.

After knocking on my door, all he’d told me was Bishop had taken Michaela out into the night and he’d lost them near the shipping warehouse. I don’t know what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t Bishop inches away from her lips and Coco’s arms wrapped around his body. Not after spending the evening with me and the kiss we’d shared.

In all honesty, her hasty actions had me rethinking everything. If she could be swayed so easily, if she was this fickle when it came to men, then I stood to lose too much if I gave up the throne for her, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want her in my life. Her friendship was the longest standing pillar of my existence, aside from my identity as Nolcovian royalty.

Outside the rain fell with increasing ferocity. Most of the snow that had fallen had been washed away, leaving muddy terrain and a nagging fear of mudslides. Three years ago, a flash flood had wiped out the South District because of heavy rainfall like this. With my father unable to make sound decisions, I needed to be in his place, readying for disaster, not playing Romeo to a group of courtiers.

And yet, this was where I had to be in order to fill that position.

I found the irony stifling.

“Heavy is the crown?” Chantal’s voice caught my attention and brought me out of my thoughts.

I hadn’t talked to my ex very much throughout the competition, but I also hadn’t sent her packing. She’d become a paradox for me, a stark contrast of the woman I thought I knew after dating for nearly a year.

“The rain,” I admitted. “It shows no sign of stopping.”

“You’re worried about floods?”

“After all the rain we had earlier this year…” I nodded, a little surprised that she’d read into it correctly. “Not to mention the lack of snow. Once spring comes—”

“The farmers need the snow to melt and bring the flux of water levels for summer crops.”

My eyes narrowed, instantly suspicious. “Yes.” Once again, I found myself tripping over the contrast of her old-fashioned and event-obsessed personality and the new woman who appeared well versed in the kingdom. “But how do you know that?”

She laughed lightly and waved to one of the children. “I told you before, you don’t know me, not really.”

“After the time we dated, I would—”

“And how much of that time were you actually present?” Chantal dared to cut me off, but I didn’t object.

I felt the camera lens tighten, even if I didn’t see it. This was the sort of gold they wanted. Revisiting my past failed relationship would give the viewers something to gossip about as rumors were confirmed or dispelled.

“I was busy learning to run Nolcovia, but I made time for you, didn’t I?”

Her delicate features flinched with controlled emotion. Impossible to deny her beauty, I tried to imagine her in the queen’s crown, ruling at my side. She would be breathtaking for every portrait and photograph, but I would always fear the ambition below it all. However, where I expected her to bristle at my retort, she blinked back her tears.

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