Page 88 of Royally Yours

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Bishop sucked a breath in through his teeth, like a hiss of pain. Something about that had gutted him. I turned my attention back, still unsure of what was happening. The workers shifted inside the truck and wrestled a crate free.

“Your hand in this is appreciated. You know that, right?” The queen wasn’t speaking to the leader but had turned her attention to the shadows behind her.

Another figure took a step forward into the moonlight. “It is my honor to serve, Your Majesty.” I knew the voice this time, but as she pushed back the hood on her cloak, revealing her golden locks, to bow at her queen’s feet, I still couldn’t believe it.

It was one thing to betray the kingdom…

But how could Gwendolyn betray Fitz like this?


The fire had long since gone out. Strange the way it had raged only a half hour ago and yet I couldn’t keep it alive any longer.


Always stuck somewhere between duty and desire.

I clenched my jaw tighter, fighting the emotions that threatened to rage like the fire once had. When I closed my eyes, I went back there again. Her lips on mine had fulfilled me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. The faintest sweetness of syrup and rich butter still lingering even after she’d left.

I was falling in love with her. If I was being honest, I found myself wondering if I had loved her all this time and had only just started to admit it to myself. I knew her kiss would be unforgettable, but I hadn’t expected it to transform me like it had.

But where could I go with it?

How binding was it when I made her a lady? Blast my impulsive decisions. I should have taken time to consider the ramifications and the legality of it all. And did it matter? If I loved her, wasn’t that all that counted?

I glanced to my left, knowing beyond the darkness a kingdom begged me not to give in to my selfish desires without considering them. My palm rubbed over my mouth as I tried to make sense of my options.

There had to be a way out.

There had to be a path.

I thought of Drysden and Nolcola. If they could beat the odds, couldn’t we?

A deep, thudding knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. For a moment, my heart raced, hopeful that Michaela had come to the same conclusion that I had. But rationally, I knew she wouldn’t risk the palace halls when she could take the passageway.

No, this was likely a matter of the kingdom. With my father needing rest, more would fall on my shoulders as his end drew nearer each day. I pulled the door back, surprised to find Kabir standing at the ready, face tense with concern. Immediately, my heart twisted. I’d given him charge over Michaela’s safety. If he was here now, then she was—

“What’s wrong?” I demanded. “Is she hurt?”

“Not yet, Your Highness,” he drew in a breath as he considered his words, “but there is something you must see.”


The crate was moved inside the warehouse, along with three others. As the rest of the party followed, Bishop tightened against me, trying to keep us in the shadows. For the first time, I saw fear in his eyes. Something about this had him shaken.

“Your services are no longer needed.” There was no mistaking the veiled command for the men to depart. Apparently, she didn’t want them around when she opened her mysterious crates. As the truck pulled away, only the queen, Gwen, and two royal guards remained.

The queen’s fingers traced the top of a crate. “This will change everything,” she whispered. “His final days are not far off. This is my only hope at this point.”

With his face partially turned toward me, I watched Bishop’s lips part in surprise. It was one thing to speculate, but to hear her wish death on her husband without hiding it, that hurt. After all, he was Bishop’s king as well.

“My queen,” Gwen’s voice faltered as she broke the silence, “I’ve done as you’ve asked. Will you please honor your side of our bargain?”

Her icy stare turned on Gwen, who, in turn, dropped her gaze to her feet with a bowed head. “Your secret is safe, Gwendolyn,” she brought up a single finger to show the caveat before she spoke it, “if this proves to be what you say, but if not, your province will know your secrets.”

Gwen’s normally cheery face paled considerably. “Yes, Your Majesty. I understand.”

Satisfied, the queen turned her attention to the larger of the guards. “Open this at once. We have no time to spare.”

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