Page 87 of Royally Yours

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“I’ll keep a hand around your waist.” He pointed to a building ahead of us. “It’s how I keep my younger sister on her feet as well.”

As much as I wanted to scold him for comparing me to a little girl, a part of my anger melted at the thought of Bishop tenderly caring for his sibling. Without a word, I nodded to give permission. Arm around my waist, we began again, carefully picking out the thinner ice that crunched underfoot. Yes, it was louder, but we didn’t have time for my ice escapades.

“Through here,” Bishop instructed as he pulled back an exterior door.

I peered into the darkness, pulling away from Bishop’s grasp, unsure of what waited inside the building. But time wasn’t on my side, and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. My first steps felt like walking into midnight personified, only worsened as Bishop let the door close behind us.

A second later, a small flashlight sprang to life in Bishop’s hand. He moved ahead of me, all flirty teasing set aside for the moment. He picked his way through the boxes and crates that cluttered the space. By the way he moved, I gathered he’d planned this out in advance. As though confirming my suspicion, he motioned to a small space near the closed rolling exterior door. Without so much as a smile, he motioned for me to get in first. I didn’t argue and pressed into the tiny cubby he’d built from a few crates that would give us a shielded view of the door. He slipped in behind me, body tight against mine, but he didn’t act on it like he had earlier. Instead, his eyes remained fixed on the doors, eagerly waiting for whatever the queen had demanded from her mysterious contact. As much as Bishop played around most of the time, something about this had him spooked. I had to admit, the queen’s warnings still echoed in the back of my mind.

My husband will get what’s coming to him if it’s the last thing I do. He won’t be king forever.

Bishop’s body heat made me all too aware of how close he actually was to me. When his muscles twitched, I felt every single contraction. My mind raced with thoughts I had no business entertaining. The kind of thinking that had more to do with a biological response than actual desire. Could I help it that being close to a gorgeous almost-royal left me a little breathless?

I shivered at the thought but failed to keep it internal. Bishop turned to face me, concerned once more.

“Are you cold?” Bishop caught himself. “Criminy, what am I thinking? It’s positively brass monkeys tonight, innit?” Before I could stop him, he stripped his sweater from his body and passed it to me, leaving himself in only a tight tee. “Bleeding bitter outside. Can’t have you freezing to death on my watch, can we?”

My breath caught as our hands brushed. I pulled the sweater over my head, and his stored body heat transferred instantly as if he’d put his arms around me. My head popped out of the top, and Bishop took hold of the hood to pull it around my ears. Hesitating as his hands paused on either side of my face, his gaze locked on my features as if transfixed.

“I don’t understand,” he whispered, voice dripping with wonder, but he made no hurry to pull away.

I didn’t follow. “Understand what?”

His thumb brushed against my cheek, maybe a couple millimeters of movement, but my eyes fluttered unconsciously. When I opened them again, the faintest smile teased at his cheeks while the majority showed in his eyes, as if my reaction was exactly what he’d wanted. Bishop ducked closer, stealing some of the space between us as he kept hold of the hood and, in essence, me.

The air waited on his response, silent and still as he considered whether or not to spill his confession.

“I don’t understand why he won’t give it all up for you.” His tongue swiped the inside of his lip as puffs of vapor escaped his mouth with each breath. “I would.”

More chills raced over my body and up my spine. It was a game, a play for him. I knew it from the first time we met that he was a silver-tongued devil, but in light of everything that had happened with Fitz, I felt the ache of my prince’s denial soothed by Bishop’s words.

“Is that better?” His hands shifted to rub my arms and chase the chill away.

“Yes,” I agreed, relieved we’d changed the subject. “But now you’ll be cold.”

“It’s okay.” His grip fell away as he shifted back into position. Midnight had arrived and we needed to be ready. “I’m Nolcovian. We’re born with ice in our veins.” He shot a sideways glance paired with a wink that reminded me of Fitz. “Besides, you can warm me up later.”

My lips parted, mostly in shock, but some part of me knew I owed him an objection. The sound of the rolling door cut me off. The delivery had arrived.

The small warehouse sparked to life with activity as light flooded the space. Fear took hold as I realized how impulsive my decision had been. My breathing doubled and a tremble burst to life in my hands. If they caught me… If she was involved in something… My friendship with Fitz wouldn’t be enough to save me. If the queen had enough power to take out the king, erasing one American girl, who hadn’t taken the time to tell anyone but her roommate back in the States where she’d gone, would be a piece of cake. Fear shifted to panic. I became lightheaded and dizzy as the consequences crashed in like an avalanche. How would I—

Warmth captured my hands. Bishop’s grasp wrapped around them until not only they disappeared, but the tremble became swallowed up in his strength. Our eyes locked for a moment, the current between us palpable and strong. I knew what he was trying to tell me, even if he didn’t say a word.

He would protect me. I was safe in his hands.

“She’s arrived. Get the back open,” one of the men shouted at the others. “She’ll want to inspect it.”

The moment between us broke apart as our attention turned back to the truck reversing into the opening of the warehouse. The red glow of the taillights caught the mist of fog that had started to gather in the air. It spread easily, crossing like fingers stretching toward us, threatening to expose our hiding place. Bishop’s grip tightened as if to say he understood. I copied his breathing, slow, steady, unafraid of the future that waited for us.

Our view between the cracks limited our interpretation, but as a cloaked figure arrived, I knew instinctively it was the queen. Her hood pushed back and her milky skin caught the light of the moon, highlighting her flawless features.

“Is it here?” she asked the leader who’d barked orders.

“Yes, Your Majesty. But it wasn’t easy. You know how regulated—“

“That’s not important.” She snapped her fingers and her royal guard stepped from the shadows. “You’ll be compensated for the delivery.” Her guard placed a case in her hands and she, in turn, extended it to the leader, but not without pausing first to give her final terms. “And for your silence.”

The bearded man nodded solemnly. “No one will know, Your Majesty. It’s our service to the true ruler of the kingdom.” She released her grip, and he pulled the briefcase to his side as his opposite arm crossed to his shoulder and he took a knee. “Our allegiance, Your Majesty.”

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