Page 28 of Royally Yours

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Though seething, Lilith stopped fighting. In the front row, Sadie stood a little taller.

“Second,” Fitz snapped his fingers and servants came through a side door carrying trays, “as a token of my esteem, all of you,“ he looked at me with raised eyebrows to emphasize it, “will receive a platinum bracelet. Those who continue will be gifted a charm every time they are asked to stay. But if you are asked to leave, the bracelet and the charms are yours to keep as a symbol of gratitude for your part in my journey to find love.”

He’d changed it. Not only that, he’d changed it because of something I’d said. I looked around at the others, wondering if they were as baffled as I was. Most looked shocked, but in various stages and for a multitude of reasons. But Gwendolyn’s mouth hung open, stunned by what he was suggesting. To me, the implications were huge, but to the rest of the room, I sensed I hadn’t even begun to understand what it meant. They acted as though he’d changed the course of Nolcovia’s history, and he’d done it on a live feed for everyone to see.

Uniformed staff members emerged from the wings, carrying pillows draped with dazzling silver bracelets. One by one, they moved through the lines of women, attaching the bracelets. I was near the end, but eagerly awaited the symbol that I belonged. Maybe it was the fact that I knew I was the imposter, but wearing the bracelet felt like camouflage. With quick hands, the attendant fastened it around my wrist, surprisingly heavy. I twisted my wrist back and forth, watching the platinum catch the light with playful appeal. Small rings adorned the chain, like promises for the future.

For half a second, I thought about the kind of money I could get for my bracelet with all the platinum charms attached. If I stayed long enough, it could easily act as a nest egg for developing my own fashion line.

I shook the thoughts away. Fitz needed me. That’s why I was here. Money didn’t matter. Not really.

Sensing the pause in the break from the script, Corbin Snyder stepped forward. “Your Highness, are you ready now?”

After what felt like an eternity, Fitz sought me out. Our eyes met and, though he looked uneasy, he drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “Yes.”

“Whenever you’re ready.” Corbin took a step backward into the shadows.

The room clenched in anticipation as an attendant set a tray of gleaming charms on the small table next to Fitz. His stare landed on it with deep introspection. His eyes closed and we waited for the first choice of the Crown Prince of Nolcovia.

“Lady Esmerey,” his jaw clenched tight and then released at once, “please step forward.”

I couldn’t hide my shock. Seriously? The queen snoot? Just when I thought I’d made a difference in his thinking, he chose the exact opposite of my advice. What was he thinking?

Esmerey crossed the open distance between them as though she was gliding over the marble floor. The low light of the chandeliers highlighted the contrast between her pale skin and ebony hair. Sure, there was no denying her beauty, but couldn’t Fitz see the inky stain of her soul?

Apparently not, because he smiled warmly as she stopped in front of him. Any hope that he was singling her out just to send her away went out the window.

“Esme,” gag me, he was already using a nickname for her, “will you take this charm as a symbol that your heart is true, your intentions are pure, and you are willing to serve the people of Nolcovia as their future queen?”

My stomach roiled as she glowed with excitement. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Fitz took her extended hand, attached the charm, and we all watched as she strode with arrogant steps to her new position to the right of the prince.

I wanted to walk out. This wasn’t what I’d signed up for. What was the purpose in helping him if he chose poorly?

Fitz drew in another slow breath, glanced at someone in the shadows of the sidelines, and then announced his next choice. “Lady Blair, please step forward.”

I’d forgotten I was holding Blair’s hand until she slipped it from my grasp. And yet, she didn’t move. Her palms cupped her mouth, her wide eyes blinked, and I swore I saw the glisten of emotion. Whispers churned to life in the crowd, not just in the women, but in the whole room. The second to be named was the driver’s daughter, and it was the first time her name had held the rank and privilege of a lady of court. Blair squared her shoulders, shook off the shock, and made the distance between her and the prince in eight strides.

Unlike his professional demeanor with Esmerey, Blair had Fitz grinning. Her head bowed as she reached him, and she lowered herself into an elegant curtsy. Fitz waited. He must have sensed it was a show of her gratitude, but he didn’t let her stay long. Taking her hand, he recalled her without words, pulling her back to standing.

“Lady Blair, will you take this charm as a symbol that your heart is true, your intentions are pure, and you are willing to serve the people of Nolcovia as their future queen?”

Eyes glistening, bottom lip trembling, and with her hand still in his, she nodded. “It would be my honor, Your Highness.”

I wanted to clap and let out a big ol’ American whoop, but I tried to remember that I needed to keep up pretenses. Still, seeing him with someone who could actually make a difference, that set my whole soul on fire. After her charm was in place, Blair stood side-by-side with Esmerey. Equals in stature for the first time.

Fitz worked through the list one by one, following the same pattern. They ticked down, making the group on the side of the room slowly grow larger.

Lady Eirene.

Lady Fallon.

Lady Margaux.

Lady Isabelle.

Lady Kaida.

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