Page 27 of Royally Yours

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I got the picture. To the right meant you lived to fight another day, and the left meant you were going home. Worried glances passed between the women around me. Maybe it looked weird that I didn’t join in, but I didn’t have a reason to be worried. Fitz had assured me I was staying long-term, but for the rest of them, this moment could be the end of their journey.

“A couple things,” Tom plowed on while Corbin exited the room, “don’t look at the cameras. Eyes on the prince. Try to show as much emotion as you can, while remaining in control of yourself. I think we can get started.”


“Set up at one!”

“Ready lights.”

None of this felt real. Fitz was expected to fall in love in the middle of this orchestrated chaos? My nagging doubts grew exponentially. Music started up as the lights dimmed. Blair’s hand latched onto mine with a grip that almost made my eyes water. Meanwhile, I felt like I was back on stage, waiting for the judges to announce the next pageant queen to be crowned.

Corbin Snyder made his entrance, positively glowing and gliding with every step until he stopped at the front of the room. Behind him, to the side of us, and then everywhere at once it seemed, cameras moved in to capture the shot. My stare darted from one space to the next, trying to find an angle that didn’t have a camera lens pointed at me. I probably looked like a criminal under a spotlight trying to evade the cops with my fake alibi and nervous stare.

“Hello, Nolcovia,” Corbin spoke directly to the cameras, reminding me that this would be broadcast all over the country, “and welcome to Royally… Yours.”

My eyes widened at the nod to my inside joke with Fitz. Was this his doing?

Corbin turned and faced us. “We have twenty-five gorgeous women, all here to win the heart of the beloved Prince Leonidas Ignatius Fitzborough III.” That same fixed smile locked into place, displaying his shockingly white teeth like a shield. “Are you ready to see your prince, ladies?”

Eager heads nodded, and a few were brave enough to say, “Yes!” But I noticed Blair paled.

Had she locked her knees? At one of my early pageants, I made that mistake, passed out, and took down ten other ladies in formal gowns in the process, like bowling pins at the end of the lane. But Blair didn’t look lightheaded, she looked scared. What did she have to be scared of?

“Well, your wish is my command. Let’s welcome our very own Prince Charming.” The music swelled and the lights shifted to the far corner. Fitz stepped into the light and strode with confidence toward Corbin. They shook hands and Corbin clapped him on the back with a hearty laugh.

“Are you ready, Your Highness?”

Fitz’s smile wavered as he faced our crowd. “I’m not sure.” He almost laughed but it ended quickly. “I think the last part was more fun than this will be.”

“Ah,” Corbin’s eyebrows rose, but hardly a wrinkle appeared on his Botox’d brow, “yes, but you can’t keep them all, I’m afraid.”

“No,” a serious demeanor took hold of my old friend, “I can’t.”

My stomach twisted as we locked eyes. With his apologetic glance, my stomach twisted. Maybe I wasn’t as secure in my position as I thought. Was he trying to tell me he was letting me go? Had I overstepped with my advice? For the first time, I squeezed Blair’s hand back, unsure of what was about to happen.

“Shall we proceed?” Corbin asked, knowing full well how Fitz would answer.

But the prince didn’t follow his cue. A flicker of nervous energy buzzed though his hands as he shook them out. “Actually, I have a few words to say first, if possible.”

The host faltered, thrown by the abrupt change of script. His worried stare shot back to the producers who lurked in the shadows. This wasn’t the plan.

Fitz didn’t wait for permission. With or without it, he planned to say what he needed to.

“I’ve become frustrated by the behavior of some who are here tonight. I’ve been blind to it for too long, content to ignore it rather than take action. But that willing ignorance shows no integrity, and I refuse to have cowardice associated with the crown.” His eyes closed as he exhaled. “This behavior, this sickness that has infected some of the most beautiful women in the kingdom is also called elitism or, to put it simply, pride and arrogance.” He waited for his words to sink in before he continued. “I understand this is tradition among our people to have the noble and elite, but being tradition shouldn’t automatically make it exempt from review. In the history books, Nolcovian nobles were the ones who worked alongside their people. They shared their wealth to elevate those they served, and we’ve lost that.”

Blair’s hand tightened on mine. When I stole a glance, I noted the glossy sheen of tears in her eyes. This whole speech meant the world to her.

“No more. And new traditions will start here.” Fitz’s gaze moved from one contestant to the next, lingering longer on the ones without noble bloodlines. “Inside this palace, it is no more. If you are here, you are now a lady of court and will be referred to as such.”

A cry of anguish burst from the other side of the room. Lady Esmerey’s palm pressed against her chest as though her heart had stopped beating. Behind her, Lady Lilith blanched. But beside me, Blair nearly buzzed out of her skin with excitement. She’d presumably grown up around the palace. She’d seen their galas, their parties, their extravagance, but never had experienced any of it. What Fitz was suggesting, it was a game changer for her and the others.

“Your Highness,” Lilith braved a few words, “there are some who might feel this makes a mockery of the court. If they are only referred to as ladies here within the palace, and yet are common members of the kingdom outside the walls, the others might feel like—“

“You misunderstand, Lady Lilith.” His voice hardened like quick-drying cement. “This is not a title change in ceremony. The women who are here tonight are of the highest quality and moral fiber. Selected for their high marks, dedicated service, and compassion, they have exemplified the greatest character. They deserve recognition, and all the rights and privileges associated with this title will be theirs from this time forward.” He leveled his stare at her, unwavering and unforgiving. “This was done for men for centuries, drawing on the best in our communities to step up to a higher rank. Are women somehow less worthy of the practice?”

“Of course not, Your Highness.” Lilith couldn’t leave it alone. An accusatory finger angled straight for Sadie. “But she won a raffle! How is that better than—“

“You forget your place!” His words crashed over her like a wave. The room fell completely silent, no one willing to so much as steal a breath. “And as to this girl,” he nodded at Sadie, “she has more integrity in her fingertips than I have ever found in your entire bloodline.”

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