Page 104 of Royally Yours

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“And how do we do that?”

Bishop’s grin slipped into place again, like a key in a lock. “We teach you to be a real Nolcovian lady.”


Surprisingly, the time passed rather easily. When the catering crew didn’t arrive with the food, Sadie went to work, creating something stellar from the ingredients on hand in a kitchen created in the Middle Ages. With few tools, she made magic, creating a meal for not only me, but all of the crew on site. We wandered the halls after lunch, discussing the country and the perils that had befallen Nolcovia in past years. I found myself astounded with her knowledge of our country, better educated than most nobles.

The poor weather kept us inside, but Sadie never complained. We entered the library in the west wing, a lone cameraman in tow no matter what we did. Her long fingers trailed over the ancient texts, reverent in every touch. She loved this country like I did, something I found incredibly attractive. As she surveyed the rest of the books, I traveled to the far side and shoved back the drapery, shedding late afternoon light on the room.

Pink and orange hues painted the heavy clouds as the sun began its descent. Her breathless wonder swelled in my heart as she took in the view. Everything was new with her, and vicariously I lived the moments with her. I couldn’t explain what her innocence and curiosity did to me, unwinding my inhibitions as I eagerly showed her more of my world. I gripped the cloth that covered the mass at the center of the room and tore it back, releasing a cloud of dust into the air. I coughed hard, immediately regretting the extra flair I’d put into the effort. But as it settled, the grand piano waited, perfectly pristine and untouched.

Her interest peaked again. “Do you play?”

“Some,” I admitted. “Not as much as my mother wanted.”

“Will you play for me?”

How could I resist a such a sweet request?

“As you wish, milady.” I slipped across the bench and pushed back the cover from the keys. Sadie ran her fingers over the lid, gaze expectant as she watched me prepare. For the first time in my life, I regretted not taking my lessons more seriously.

I set my hands on the keys and went through one of the simpler tunes from my childhood. It wasn’t bad by any means, but it wasn’t nearly as impressive as I would have hoped. Slightly clumsy in a few places, I pursed my lips at the end, wishing I kept the cover in place after all.

“Well done, Your Highness.” She gave a gentle applause that was entirely endearing and not patronizing like I deserved.

“Clearly, I’m out of practice. I just embarrassed myself for the whole kingdom to see.”

Her left shoulder lifted slightly, pulling through one of the gaps in her dress to display the bareness of her skin. “If your competence was reliant on your abilities to play the piano, we would be in trouble, but you have shown more than once that you are ready to rule, Your Highness.”

“Please,” I reached for her hand to urge her closer, “call me Leo. The formality exhausts me.”

She bowed her head and gave a quick curtsy before executing my command. “As you wish… Leo.” Her gaze shifted to the keys. “Do you mind if I try?”

“Please.” I dropped my grip on her hand and made space on the bench. “I didn’t know you could play.”

“Some,” she copied what I’d said before. Sadie slid in beside me, closer than I expected but the bench didn’t leave much room for personal space. As her fingers touched the keys, something magical happened. Instead of music, the notes became a story so intricate and moving, I found myself willing the melody to continue forever. She transformed, sinking into the song, transfixed in the rhythm, captured as if it held her in its grasp, unwilling to relent until she fulfilled the breadth of its design. Barely skimming the keys, her fingers moved as if they had a life and will of their own. The sheet music existed only in her mind, obviously memorized years before in hours of practice, and yet didn’t brag of it ever. As the music slowly wound to its conclusion, I once again found myself entranced by her. The final notes finally released their grip on her as her fingers slipped from the keys and tangled in her lap, once again the timid woman who rarely met my gaze.

Words didn’t come easily at first, completely inferior to the music she’d made. After a moment of silence, I finally whispered, “I had no idea you played the piano.”

“It’s been a part of me since I was young,” she answered without looking up from her hands. I ached to look into her eyes, to learn what other secrets she had hidden away. While we’d talked occasionally throughout this competition, I found her absolutely delightful in this new light. She was talented, intelligent, witty, and beautiful. Was it terrible that she wasn’t of noble blood?

“I absolutely loved that,” I admitted. “I’m still breathless.”

“I’m pleased you enjoyed it, Your Highness.” Her fingers laced together, as if she worried she might touch something she shouldn’t.

Taking a chance, forgetting the camera that had faded into the background, my palm caught the angle of her jaw and brought her to face me. “Would you play again for me sometime?”

Fear flashed in her eyes, but I didn’t allow her to pull away, not yet. I needed her to know I wasn’t a threat. I would be her safe place if she’d let me. Her features relaxed and warmth showed in her eyes for the first time.

“If it would please you.” She tipped her head to the side as if a thought had occurred to her. “And if you allow me to stay.”

I’d be crazy to send her home. I had to admit, she had more substance in her pinky finger than half the women my parents were pushing for. Bless the random drawing that had brought her into my life.

“Tell me, Sadie. Are you looking for love?” I needed to understand her motivations. Too many had come with the wrong intentions and, since she was from the poorest of provinces, it had to be asked. “Or is this an opportunity for power?”

Faint flickers of anxiety passed over her expression, but she banished them quickly. “You have watched me closely for weeks, Your Highness. I would assume my character would speak for itself.”

“I’m not doubting your character.” Unable to stop myself, my thumb brushed against her chilled cheek. “But I’d like to know why you’re here.”

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