Page 103 of Royally Yours

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“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I drew in a short breath for a little courage. “You’re nothing but a troublemaker, rushing around starting fires, and then leaving before anyone can tie it to you.”

His palm covered his heart like I’d praised him. “You noticed. That’s so sweet.”

“You’re an imp.” I poked his chest. “A scallywag.” I stepped toward him and poked him again. “A—“

“A goblin with malintent ninety percent of the time.” His arm encircled my waist and pulled me against him, stealing my breath away. “And yet,” his gaze traveled around my face, carefully watching my emotions, “this time, I find myself with only the best of goals, I swear.”

Using the heels of my palms, I pushed myself free. Bishop put up no fight and raised his hands as if to claim innocence.

“Not again, Bishop. I’m not falling for your tricks. Fitz is my friend and—“

“You love him,” Bishop finished for me. My face betrayed my shock, eyes wide and stare accusatory, but he laughed as though I’d confirmed his wager in this bet. “I knew it from the first moment I set eyes on you! You love him.”

“He’s my best friend, of course I love him. Don’t be an idiot.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” His eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t have resisted me unless you had feelings for—“

“Oh, because you’re so irresistible?” I scoffed at the thought. “Like no woman could ever turn down a chance to be with you? “

He pulled a face. “I’d have to run the numbers, but have to say statistics of past ventures are in my favor. Most women fall over themselves to get to me and I really—“

“Do you ever stop talking?” Everything about him exasperated me. “It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? I can’t be with Fitz. Why should I even consider it when everything in the past has led to heartache and destruction?”

“Because,” Bishop’s arrogant features softened, “I’m going to help you get him.”

I stared, probably longer than I should have, but honestly, did he actually say that?

“How could you—What are—Why would…?”

Bishop pursed his lips, annoyed. “You have to pick at least one question and follow it through or there is no hope of a real conversation here.”

I skipped questions entirely and went straight to demands. “Explain yourself.”

Like a teenager, he rolled his eyes and turned away from me. “I have known Leonidas his whole life. I am, after all, older than he is, even if it’s less than a year. I have a duty to make sure he doesn’t destroy his future under the restraint of his impending rule.”

“You’re trying to convince me you have his best interests at heart?”

“Please,” Bishop held up his palm without turning to face me, “no questions from the gallery until I conclude my tale.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. His pride knew no bounds.

“I heard of you for the first time when Leo came back from his adventure in America. He wouldn’t be still. Coco this and Coco that, like a train he barreled on until his parents forbade your name, in any form, be mentioned inside the palace walls. But he never stopped, did he?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “When I learned of this ludicrous competition, I knew he would find a way to make you a part of it. But I also knew he would never have the courage to blur the lines in your relationship. So, I took matters into my own hands and applied pressure for him to act.”

“Wait,” I ignored his rule and interrupted him, “you only flirted with me to make him jealous?”

“Worked, didn’t it?” Bishop shook his head. “The second I expressed interest in the American he claimed he didn’t want, he stopped denying his feelings and acted.”

Like he’d dumped a thousand-piece puzzle at my feet, I struggled with how to put it together. “So, you and me, that was—“

“Fun,” he finished for me. “As a mark, I’m not complaining. If not for my cousin, things could be different, but even I have standards. I won’t steal a heart that belongs to someone else.”

“But how can we… It makes no sense.” I couldn’t even begin to explain my exasperation with the whole situation. “We don’t work, not if he plans to take the throne, and I can’t ask him to abandon that. It’s been his mission since he was a little boy.”

“Let me worry about that.” Bishop finally turned around. “Your focus needs to be elsewhere.”

“Like what?”

“For starters, stop helping your competition. I saw little Sadie leave this morning looking like a supermodel. You really think he’s going to resist her?” Bishop raked his nails through his hair and shook his head. “Ludicrous at best, the way you set yourself up to fail. Second, stop writing yourself off. I will be the first to tell you, that despite setbacks, you are leading the pack; we just have to make him face it.”

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