Page 69 of All About Trust

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I thought the wall of windows at Davey’s place was impressive, but this. Holy fuck. Two entire sides of the massive penthouse are windows, the mountains dead ahead, the Temple and glittering skyline to the left. I can see the part of the roof not occupied by the apartment itself comprises a massive outdoor living space. A large rectangular firepit similar to the one Brady, Devyn and Levi have, only this one is about three times larger, and is the focal point of the patio. Cushioned chairs and couches surround it, all facing the mountains, which are for most people, the real focal point of all of this.

But my eyes fall upon another piece of this beautiful room. One I didn’t expect. One I can’t take my eyes from.

Nestled in the corner of the walls of glass is a baby grand piano.

A shiny black Steinway baby grand.

“Wow,” I breathe.

Davey lets out a relieved sigh. “I promise this is all going to be worth it.”

I turn to him. “It already is.”

Davey’s phone chirps, and he steps away to take the call and deposit our bags in the bedroom. I move to the piano and trail my fingers lightly along the glossy wood. Wow, I mutter again. I’ve never even been this close to anything so beautiful. My fingers are actually quivering when I sit on the bench and place them above the keys.

Closing my eyes, I let my fingers fall. Moonlight Sonata fills the room. Lost in the sounds and feel of this beautiful instrument, I don’t notice Davey enter the room, at first. When I turn I see he has stopped in the doorway, his mouth agape.

He doesn’t say anything, seemingly unable to. His expression is priceless, and I can’t help but chuckle.

“I take requests,” I mock. We’d never discussed this. Obviously, he doesn’t know my musical inclinations. So many things still to learn about each other.

Davey says nothing.

“Hmmm…okay,” I look at him and try to recall music I’ve heard him listen to. I laugh to myself at the first thing I remember from the playlist he had going in the car the other day. I’m a little out of practice, but I’m pretty sure I can translate that to these keys.

As recognition sweeps across his features, he smilesin disbelief. “Zeppelin?”

I nod and continue. “I highly doubt these keys have been used for Stairway to Heaven before.”

“Not likely,” he smiles, and finally steps into the room. “How the hell…”

I shrug. “You’ve never asked.”

He shakes his head at me.

“Brady had hockey, I had this.” I say.

“The tattoos,” he says. “I never really asked about the piano keys.”

I continue to play, rapidly losing myself in the tone of this gorgeous piano. I glance at Davey, still gawking at me.

“So, this was a total coincidence, this piano being in here?”

He nods. “I picked this for the view and the patio and…” A ding on his phone stole his attention from me again. Hmmm…this is different for him and mildly annoying. I hope he didn’t drag me to a penthouse in Salt Lake to spend his time on the phone working. Or is he checking on Madison? I smile. Good grief, Devyn and Crystal are taking care of her. I look back at the piano keys before me and my annoyance vanishes. I lose myself in the music and the gorgeous tone of this piano. I’ll hassle Davey about working on this trip later.

For now—the sound of another instrument interrupts my thought. Strings. The soft whine of a violin. I can’t fathom how Davey had turned the stereo to the same concerto I’m playing, and even in the same location I was in. My brain is very slow to catch up to what is really going on, even when I turn my head and come face to face with the source of the music as it grows louder and enters the room.

“He didn’t tell me you play,” Nandy says.

“Ah,” I swallow hard. “Um…”

“I didn’t know,” Davey answers for me.

“Keep going,” Nandy says with a tip of his head.

My hands are frozen on the keys. “What?” I stammer.

“Keep playing,” Nandy smiles and makes his way toward the piano. The sight of him here in front of me is mesmerizing. And holy hell, he is even more beautiful in person. He stops now, tips his head toward the piano again, his eyes twinkling, clearly enjoying this shocking surprise he and Davey pulled off.

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