Page 68 of All About Trust

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“Are you taking me to a minor-league hockey game?”

“Would you like to go to a minor-league hockey game?” I joke.

Carter cocks a brow at me.

“This has way less to do with the city itself, and everything to do with something that is currently in that city.”

He ponders and narrows his eyes. “You strike me as someone who isn’t a big fan of surprises.”

“I despise them,” I say, and grin at him.

“So you are gambling on me being alright with them?”

“I’m gambling on you trusting me.”

Carter eyes me again with a tiny smirk.

“Do you trust me?”

He moves to me, his mouth a whisper from mine. “Completely.”


I’ve not seen any evidence that Davey is one to flaunt his wealth. He has a nice car, a motorcycle, a swanky downtown apartment, and he dresses very well. You would never mistake him for middle-class. But you would more likely put him in the wealthy lawyer or doctor category. Nothing about him screams multi-million-dollar professional athlete/sports team executive.

Not until today.

And today it isn’t so much that he is screaming it, as he is taking full advantage of the fact that he has it.

I take a deep breath as the private jet straightens itself out and begins its race down the runway. Davey squeezes my hand. I smile and exhale again, allowing my head to fall back against the headrest. I close my eyes and hold tight to Davey’s hand.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know…”

I exhale again. “It’s okay, it just takes me a minute. Once we level out, I’ll be okay.” That’s what I told him and that’s what I kept telling myself, anyway. “I actually hate heights.”


I nod at him.

“But my apartment… you never said… you go out onto the balcony…”

I nod. “But you’ll notice I stay pretty close to the door or instantly sit down.”

“Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath, realizing that for the first time. “Fuck,” he mumbles again. I’m not sure if it’s my fear of heights that bothers him the most, or that he hadn’t noticed it until now.

The car service is waiting for us on the tarmac. Wow. He really has pulled out all the stops. But his mood isn’t as joyful and happy-go-lucky as it had been when we got onto the plane.

When the car stops in front of a glittering downtown apartment building, not unlike the one we currently live in, I catch Davey looking skyward as we step out. Then he sighs and shakes his head in an unspoken apology.

“Penthouse?” I ask.

He purses his lips, nods, then exhales.

“It’s fine, really, it’s great.”

He’s not convinced at all and looks so glum and unsure what to do next. He just stares up at the building completely defeated.

“Come on, D,” I thread my fingers through his and tug his hand. “Let’s go up.”

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