Page 32 of All About Trust

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My thoughts quickly shift to that man at home and how much he would enjoy this, too. I reach for my phone to take a picture. I even consider calling Carter to let him hear this… when Nandy steps out onto the ice and freezes my motion.

He’s doing the national anthems – with a violin?

I’ve heard nothing more beautiful in my life. As he finishes the final stanza of Oh Canada, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more grateful that he has another anthem to play. I never want this to end. He pauses briefly. The usually boisterous Calgary crowd is silent, overwhelmed by what they just heard. Then those long fingers twirl the bow. He tilts his head, and a few dreads slip across his shoulder as the violin nestles against his neck once more. He eases into a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner so smooth and achingly beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I glance at TJ and he looks at me, wide-eyed.

“Holy fuck,” he gasps.

I smile and nod. Then I meet Devyn’s twinkling eyes. “Shut it,” I say and point at her with a mock threat.

I jostle TJ out of his stupor, and we make our way up to the visiting team’s box to watch the game.

Celebrity guests and those performing the anthems are always invited to watch the game from the owner’s box. And it is not at all uncommon for them to make the rounds and be introduced to the visiting team as well, but I was still a bit surprised when I saw Nandy’s entourage make its way past the open door to our box and then quickly double back and step in.

No longer wearing the jacket of his pink suit, I take in the fluid silk of his white shirt moving with his body as he strolls to me.

“What is your job here?” Nandy asks. The thick Spanish accent falling from those lips is so beautiful I almost fail to register what he asked me. He smiles a bit, waiting. He knows the power he has over people.

“Huh? Oh, my title is president of player development.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I do a wide variety of things to make that man look good.” I say and tip my chin toward Brady.

Fernando tilts his head a bit and sighs as he lets his eyes wash over Brady. “Well, you are doing a fantastic job.”

I laugh. “He is very much spoken for.”

He turns those golden eyes back my way. “Are you? Spoken for?”

I smile at him, and my answer is such a welcome change. Yes, I am. And not only am I spoken for, I’m damn happy about it. I nod. “Yes, very much so.”

Nandy sighs and lets his eyes take a slow slide over me again. Then he says something in Spanish I don’t understand. “That’s a damn shame,” he says in his accent-laced English.

I chuckle.

“Hope he knows how lucky he is.”

I smile again. I’m the lucky one, I think. I just nod.

Exhaling, I turn my attention back to the ice.

“How did he know you’re gay?” TJ asks, his tone accusatory.

I furrow my brow at him. “What?”

“Like, how did he know that? Why didn’t he hit on me?”

Well, this is a surprise. “Because you’re straight.”

“But how does he know that?” Irritation fills his voice.

I just shake my head. “I don’t know, TJ. Some men have gaydar and some don’t. How long have you known I was gay?”

“I don’t know. I never gave it much thought either way. But it didn’t surprise me when I found out,” he looks over at Brady. “I never saw that one coming though, with him and Levi.”

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