Page 240 of Guardian Daddy

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“What is it?”

“I don’t know. But I don’t like it. You have your phone?”

“Yeah.” Rhodes brought his phone from his pocket as Ethan kicked at the blanket, unraveling it.

Something dark filled him as he looked down into Kevin’s lifeless face. “What the fuck! Call Ink, now!”

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”

Turning, he stared at the person standing there . . . with a gun aimed at his girl’s head.

She looked stoic, composed. But Ethan felt his stomach drop. His baby . . . this asshole was holding a gun to his baby.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing, Oliver?” Rhodes asked. “What is going on?”

“I think that maybe Samantha wasn’t the only stalker,” Ethan said.

“Ding. Ding. Ding. Give the man a prize!”


Cate couldn’t believe this.

What did Oliver think he was doing? When he’d walked into the house, she’d been shocked and confused. She’d demanded to know what he was doing there.

And then he’d pulled out a gun.

Cate had retreated into herself. She’d had to. She couldn’t panic or he might shoot. And then what would stop him going after Ethan or her brother?

Now they were sitting on the couch in the living room, with her between Rhodes and Ethan. Oliver sat across from them, the gun resting casually in his hand.

He seemed so different. So . . . wrong.

“What is going on? Why are you here with a gun?” Cate asked.

“Well, I’m not here for you,” Oliver sneered. “Honestly, Cate. You have a big brain, use it. If it wasn’t for the fact that Rhodes loves you, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago.” He turned to Rhodes, his body softening. “But my love cares for you so that means I have to as well.”

His love?

She felt Rhodes stiffen. Ethan drew her closer. He was practically vibrating with rage. She might not be great at reading facial expressions, but there had been no missing his absolute fury when he’d seen that gun aimed at her head.

He was in protector mode and Oliver better watch out. Any slip-up and he was dead.

Oliver had killed Kevin.

That part was confusing. He’d made Ethan drag his body down the driveway and into the garage.

There was a dead body in the garage.

“Your love?” Ethan asked.

“My love, Rhodes. I’ve been in love with him even since before I met him. It’s why I took this job with Cate. No one else would work with her. But it got me closer to Rhodes.”

“So it is you,” she said. “You’re the stalker. Or one of them.”

“I’m not a stalker,” he said sharply. “I’m an admirer. A secret admirer.”

“Were you working with Samantha?” Ethan asked.

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