Page 191 of Guardian Daddy

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“Do you like, baby?”

“It’s the bestest, Daddy.”

He leaned over her and kissed her lightly. “Such a beautiful girl. So clever and smart.”

“Thank you, Daddy. You are a beautiful girl too.”

“Cheeky!” He started to tickle her, and she giggled until she felt her bladder pinch.

“Daddy! Potty!”

“Oops. I forgot that Little girls often need to go potty while being tickled.” He scooped her up and took her into the bathroom.

Setting her down on her feet, he undid the drop seat and tugged her panties down before helping her sit.

“Daddy, go!”

He eyed her. “Are we being a bossy baby?”

“We is being a bursting baby!”

“All right, I’m keeping the door open though. Call out when you’ve peed.”


Daddies. They were so hard to train.

She peed and then cleaned herself up, pulling up her panties. But she couldn’t fasten her drop seat back up. She was washing her hands as he walked back in.

“Daddy! I might have been still peeing!”

“You were taking too long.” Pausing, he stared down at her with his eyebrows lowered. “And what did I say?”

“You said to stay where I am. And I did.”

“You aren’t sitting on the toilet.”

“I’m in the bathroom, though. I didn’t realize I couldn’t stand, Daddy.”

He folded his arms over his chest. “I think you knew what I meant.”

Cate gave him an innocent look.

“But I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Next time, wait on the toilet.”

“All right, Daddy.”

“Now, let’s get your spanking done.”

“Spanking? Now, Daddy?”

“I suggested waiting, but you wanted to get it over and done with, remember?”

“But . . . someone might hear us.”

“Not if we’re in here. With this going.” He shut the bathroom door and turned on the fan.

Actually, that would work well, provided Daddy didn’t spank really hard.

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