Page 100 of Guardian Daddy

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“That seems excessive and like it would take a long time.”

“Would it?” he asked as he pulled out onto an exit.

He hated traffic.

“I’m not sure I know how to date.”

“That’s all right. I do.”

Right. Because he’d probably been involved with lots of women romantically. She wasn’t jealous.


“How about we get to know each other now?” he said. “Do you like your job?”

“Yes. I suppose so. It has enough challenges to keep me interested. Although I don’t like meetings.”

“I don’t think anyone ever does,” he told her.

“And you? Do you like being a bodyguard?” she asked.

This all felt so strange. She still didn’t really believe that he was attracted to her. Wanted to date her.

Cate knew she wasn’t easy. She wasn’t fun. Or sexy.

So she really didn’t get it.

But for some reason, she also couldn’t tell him no. Because she wanted to know what it would be like to date him. Even if it couldn’t go anywhere.

Eventually, he’d grow tired of her.

Eventually, he’d have to go home.

But at least she’d have the memory of him.

“I do. I feel like it’s the right fit for me. Did I ever tell you that I was in the Special Forces?”

“No. With Ink?”

“That’s where I met him, yep. I stayed in longer than him. When I left, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until he contacted me and asked if I wanted a job. I’ve always wanted to protect people ever since . . . well, ever since my sister was kidnapped.”

“Oh my God. I’m so sorry. What happened?”

“She’s younger than me. At the time, I was fourteen and she was seven. She was out playing in our yard and when my mom went to call her in, she was gone.”

“Is she . . . is she all right?”

“Yeah. It turns out her dad took her.”

“Her dad?” Not his?

“We have different dads. Did you know that family kidnappings make up more than half of all abductions in the US?”

“I didn’t know that, no.”

“Yeah, turned out her dad was bitter over not getting full custody of her. He wanted more time with her. He’d come over to talk to my mom and must have seen her outside in the front yard.”

“God, that’s terrible. You and your mom must have been terrified.”

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