Page 57 of Fireline

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Had Crazy Henry really hidden a nuke, one The Brothers desperately wanted to find so they could start a war?

No wonder Nova hadn’t believed his stories were true.

“Do you? Know where Snow is, I mean.” Hutchinson arched a brow and turned his ear a little toward Booth.

“I don’t know how to contact him or where he is right now.” Booth glanced at the deputy scribbling in his notebook. Booth wasn’t quite ready to tell Hutchinson that Henry was definitely somewhere in the Kootenai National Forest. But could he find the old coot?


If Henry didn’t want to be found, no one would ever see him.

The sheriff straightened. “I’ll post a deputy at Crispin’s door, keep an eye on your friend. No one in or out except medical staff. We’ll also send someone out to investigate that cabin.”

If it was still there. At least his fire line would prevent the fire from spreading into the forest.

“Appreciate it, Sheriff.” Booth read the address from his phone. “It might give you a lead on Floyd.”

Hutchinson’s gaze lingered on Booth. “If Floyd is trying to use Crispin as leverage against you, it’s best you keep your distance. Let us handle this.”

Booth clenched his hand into a fist. After all Floyd had put him through—put Crispin and Nova through…He shook his head. “I can’t just sit back?—”

The man clapped a firm hand on his shoulder. “Sometimes, Booth, the best way to protect those you care about is to let the law do its job. We’ll find Floyd and put an end to this.”

With those words hanging in the air, Booth watched as the sheriff and his deputy walked away. There it was again.

His old life was law enforcement. He wouldn’t stay idle. He’d find Henry Snow before Floyd did and take down The Brothers for good.

First, though, he had to find Nova…

Booth’s boots squeaked on the hospital’s polished floors as he hurried toward the exit.

He halted at the sight of JoJo Butcher huddled in the ER waiting room. Tears streaked her face. His pulse quickened. If JoJo was here, that meant something had gone terribly wrong out there.

“JoJo?” Booth lowered himself onto the chair beside her. “Why aren’t you with the others?”

She turned puffy red eyes on him. “There was an accident on the jump. Finn and Nova…they collided midair.” She choked on a quiet sob. “Finn’s hurt pretty bad and…and they can’t find Nova.”

His breath fled his lungs.

JoJo dragged a sleeve across her wet cheeks and nodded. “Some spotter crews are still out there, but visibility is terrible, and the fire’s spreading so fast…” She lifted her shoulders in a helpless shrug. “They said the odds aren’t very good.”

“I want you to pray. It’s the best thing we can do. I’m learning that true redemption lies in surrendering every situation to Jesus. Even this one.” Booth gave her shoulder a squeeze and stood. Already calculating the fastest route to jump base, he figured he could be airborne with the next smokejumper team in twenty minutes. “I’m going to find Nova.”

“You can’t. Last chopper just left to evacuate the jumpers. Ground crews have pulled back too.” She lifted red-rimmed eyes. “Aria’s waiting at jump base in case…”

In case they found more jumpers to recover than survivors.

He should’ve never left Nova.

“I’m not giving up on her.” He headed for the door. “The storm has grounded planes, not me. I’ll get there on foot if I have to.”

Nova turned her head and sucked air between her teeth. Pain thrummed in her skull and every other part of her. She opened her gritty eyes, blinking against the blurriness.

That had been some dream. Falling into a hole like Alice and coming face-to-face with?—

“Oh, hey. You’re awake,” said Henry’s voice.

Crazy Henry.

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