Page 42 of Forbiddenly Yours

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She smiled wearily. “The last few days have been the worst I’ve ever had, so I can’t have this conversation with you right now.”

“I’m sorry about your mother. If she was here, she’d say—”

“She told me all I needed to know before she died.”

“And that is?”

“She told me to never let anyone make me settle for less than I deserve. The ironic thing is that I’d figured that out before she even had to tell me. In fact, I’d figured it out the night I stood in the center of a dance floor watching you spin another woman around in your arms.”

“For fuck’s sake, I told you that is my best friend’s girl—”

“I know, but it doesn’t matter who the hell she was. All that matters is that she wasn’t me. I don’t deserve to be kept hidden away like some dirty little secret. I wanted to be the woman in your arms smiling up at you as if you hung the fucking moon... to be any of the women you’ve been photographed with over the years... I deserve more than you could ever give me.”

She had a point, and I knew she was right, but it wouldn’t be this way forever. If I could only convince her to wait this out a few more months, then... Her last words repeated themselves in my head, and I realized the tense she had spoken in. “Wanted?”

“Yes, Professor. My wants have changed, so it’s for the best that you accept it—”

“I won’t accept a life without you in it. Can’t you see that we’re meant to be together, Nicole?” I pulled her against me, and ignored the way she struggled to get free. I had to make her see. Pressing my forehead to hers, I told her something I’d never told another woman before, and I prayed she’d hear the truth in it. “I can’t let you go because I love you.”

She laughed, although it was more of a sarcastic one than anything else. “Of course, you do. How convenient.”

“If I didn’t love you, would I have ever even invited you to that party to begin with?”

“Let me go, Callum.” She wasn’t struggling to free herself from my grasp, so I suspected that she meant from her life.

“I can’t,” I murmured, then cradled her face in my hands. “You love me, too. I know it.”

“Not anymore,” she whispered, and the finality in it had set my pulse to racing once more.

“If that’s true, then kiss me. If you can honestly walk away from me afterward...”

I didn’t know what I would do if she could. I had no intention of letting her go. Gabriel had fought for the woman he loved, and I’d do the same. I’d fight until my dying breath.

Before she could respond, I slammed my mouth over hers. Nicole resisted at first until my tongue slipped between her lips. I knew the moment she surrendered, and it was like a huge weight being lifted off of my chest. I held her just like that as we ate at each other’s mouth. She tangled her tongue with mine, and even ran her hands up and down my arms until she finally found the strength to push me away.

“Don’t do that anymore,” she seethed.

“Nicole, you—”

“Touch me again and I’ll go to the Dean on you.” Her words were so unlike her, and I was honestly shocked she’d even uttered them to me. Did I think she was serious? No, I did not. She wouldn’t ruin my career. If I didn’t know anything else, I knew that.

“You can run from me all you want, but you can’t outrun your thoughts... your needs... your desires.... You returned my kiss, so I know there’s still something there. And before you try to deny it again, save us both the trouble. Tonight, you’ll lie in bed alone and finger your tight pussy. When you do, make sure to cry out my name because I own you the same way that you own me. We’re too entwined, you and me. Just know that when I jack myself off tonight that I’ll also be thinking of you. You’re mine, and I’m—”

“Goodbye, Professor,” she told me, then turned and walked back out the door.

“You’re making a big mistake,” I said, then growled when she disappeared from sight.


Being alone with Callum proved to be as big of a mistake as I thought it would be. When face to face with him, my still raw feelings for him came rushing back to the surface. Despite everything I said, my heart still foolishly beat for him. And, I suspected that it always would until I put enough distance between us to be able to forget about him.

How do I do that though?

It was the one question that repeated itself in my head. I knew of one way, and it was the reason I’d not been to his class the rest of the week. I actually had missed all of them, but thankfully was far enough in my studies to be able to manage it without my grades dropping.

My professors had been mostly sympathetic due to the passing of my mother, so the things I still needed to either work on, review, or complete were sent to me to do online. I didn’t even ask Callum to accommodate me, but I had uploaded my essay and sent it to him so it’d be turned in on time. I thought that perhaps he’d reach out to me, especially when I wasn’t in his class, but he hadn’t until now. As the daughter of a Titan, I knew how they liked to throw their money around. In our social circles, anything could be bought, and he evidently had thrown me into that category as well.

I stared down at the small gift box with the word ‘Mitchell’s’ engraved in gold lettering. There was no card, return address, or anything else, but something told me it had to be from him. Knowing that was the reason I was hesitant to open it. Callum couldn’t seduce me with his affections, nor could he buy my love with fancy gifts.

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