Page 16 of Forbiddenly Yours

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“I’m sure she never looked at it that way,” I interrupted, because the last thing I wanted her to feel was regret, even if I had no way of knowing if what I said was true or not.

“Oh no, she didn’t. She was actually the one that insisted I continue on with my plans, so here I am and this is the mess I have to deal with.”

“Would you like some help?” I asked. I didn’t know what all of these things were, but I was willing to offer up my assistance anyway.

“You don’t want to help me hang pictures and put away dishes. I can do that by myself.”

“I’d be happy to help, Nicole. Despite what you might think about me now, I truly do like being around you.” She blushed, then tucked a swath of hair behind her ear. “I think about Costa Rica a lot, especially ayahuasca.”

“You do?” She seemed genuinely surprised.

“Yes, and if I’m not mistaken, your issues lie with being too independent. You said your greatest fear was being all alone, yet you keep everyone at arm’s length.”

“And you hate commitment and anything that involves true intimacy. You prefer to keep everything casual, yet here you are offering to help a girl you’ve already slept with twice. Seems a bit intimate to me,” she teased, and I realized she was right.

“It might, but then again, you’re trying to use scare tactics to help you resist—”

“I think we’ve already established where my resistance is when it comes to you,” she remarked and I grinned.

“You have a point there, Nicole. You’ll probably have many more as I help you. Where do you need me to start?”

She was a little nervous at first, likely wondering what my motives were and if I had some sort of angle. I didn’t know what type of men she was used to back in Los Angeles, and I almost growled when I thought about her with men like me, or ones like her uncle used to be.

We settled into normal conversation though as I helped her unpack several kitchen labeled boxes and a few for the pantry. I could tell that she liked to cook by the sheer number of small kitchen appliances alone. Nicole told me more about her mother and her cancer diagnosis. I’d lost both grandparents to cancer, so I felt as if I had some understanding of what she was going through.

Still, she’d grown silent after telling me about her fears where it was concerned, and when I broke down the last of the cardboard boxes for this room, I looked over and saw her leaning over a stack in the living room. Her shoulders were shaking slightly, and I knew she was either holding back tears, or very close to doing so.

I moved over to her and on reflex, I wrapped my arms around her. Something warm did drop onto my forearm and I slowly turned her in my arms. Her gaze was focused on my feet until I reached below her chin with my hand and tipped it upward. Her eyelashes were thick with tears, and a few were slowly rolling down her cheek.

“Nicole?” I asked in question. She tried to flash me a watery smile as she wiped at her eyes. “I’m sorry. Whenever I talk about Mama, I just lose it.”

“Shhh,” I told her as I leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead. Her hair smelled of coconut, and the scent took me back to Costa Rica where it seemed to be a mainstay in the air down there. A local had told me that many of the monkeys in the jungle would rip the fruit from the trees and most would end up on the ground, its shell cracked and bruised. The fruit would then perfume the air around us. “You have every right to be worried. Here,” I said, then pressed her face against my chest. During the course of packing, I had removed my shirt, so she was now skin to skin with me. “Just let it all out.”

She stayed still for a few seconds, then wrapped her arms around me as she finally allowed some of the tears to break free. Something like this would’ve normally freaked me the hell out. I was a ‘good times’ type of guy. I was there for fun, but when things got serious or the woman showed anything emotional, I would run for the hills. Hell, her uncle used to be the same way, and I could probably challenge him to a 40 yard dash and win. Something about Nicole was different, though. Maybe it was showing her my vulnerabilities during ayahuasca that made it that way, or maybe I liked her more than I’d thought.

Nicole cried for a few minutes until she went lax in my arms. When she pulled away, I looked down into her eyes and saw something much different swimming in those watery depths. Before I could even ask if she was feeling better, she brought one hand to the back of my neck, then pulled my head down to hers. I let her control this until she pressed her mouth to mine. Costa Rica. My office. I’d not nearly had enough of her and knowing we were in a place where no one would see us made me part her lips with my tongue, then thrust it inside.

As we stood there kissing, her hands were sliding down my chest. I growled against her mouth as she flicked my nipples, then dragged her nails lower. I didn’t stop her when she unbuttoned my pants or unzipped them, but when she slipped her hand inside, I covered hers with mine and broke off the kiss.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Nicole. If we go any further, I don’t think I’ll have the willpower to stop—”

“I don’t want you to stop, Callum. I want you to make the entire world disappear like only you can. Fuck me, and give us what we both want.”

Her words had me outwardly groaning. I did want her, and as she undid the knot on her shirt and tossed it to the side, I looked down at her barely there bra and tore it off of her. She gasped, then knelt down enough to remove her pants. She was wearing a thong which met the same fate as her bra, ending up in a tattered pile of lace on the floor.

I grabbed a condom from my wallet, then kicked off my shoes and pants. When we were both naked, I let her continue with what she had started. Her hand began to slide up and down my shaft as she stroked me. I was so hard for her, which seemed to be a perpetual state around her. I let her carry on for a few more seconds before I backed her against a half stack of boxes. I swept her up in my arms and set her down atop one of them as I quickly sheathed my cock.

Nicole’s fingers were tightly squeezing the edges of the box, so I grabbed her legs and yanked her toward me. I thrust inside of her, drawing a low cry from her. “Callum.”

“I love hearing my name on your lips,” I admitted as I pulled out, then slammed back inside of her. “Tell me what you want, Nicole.”

I started to fuck her, so slowly that it was likely more torturous for me than it was for her. “I want you to talk to me—”

“Talk?” I interrupted. I thought she’d say many things, but not that. “I can stop, so we can talk this out.”

“No, I want you to talk dirty to me. I want your words to echo in my head while I’m pleasuring myself and imagining your face. I want to hear them when—”

“I think about you too, Nicole.”

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