Page 9 of Deceptively Yours

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I leaned back in my chair and knew it would be a while before I got a final answer. If they didn’t give us what we wanted, he would end his career on his current team, and we’d take their offer. Like so many others in sports, Byron was chasing a championship and this new team would offer him the best chance of reaching one.

It wasn’t one sided. After their star forward tore his achilles a few weeks ago, they were desperate to find someone to take his roster spot. This deal would be a win-win for all if the General Manager and team would just accept what we were willing to take.

I finally stood up and walked over to the large windows in my office at Blake Sporting Agency. It was situated downtown in a building on the Magnificent Mile. I loved Chicago, and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, even though some friends like Mason Steele in New York City kept trying to get me to move east.

Mason was a Titan in Manhattan, just as I was a Titan in Chicago. This was an exclusive brotherhood to which we all belonged to, and many others in different cities across the country. It was more than grooming, success, and a name. We had power and influence which were paramount in this world. If only any of that would’ve mattered in the end. Money and power meant nothing when you had no one to share it with.

As I thought about women, I remembered a date I had previously set up with lingerie model, Clara West. We were supposed to go out for Valentine’s Day, but I had gotten roped into a charity event instead. It was a bachelor type of auction, and all funds raised would be donated to the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, which happened to be one of the top children’s hospitals in the entire nation.

I had just agreed to it the night before when approached by another Titan, Daxon Faulkner. The man owned his own psychiatric practice, and worked closely with the children at this particular facility. As I picked up my phone and scrolled through until I reached Clara’s number, I shook my head wryly.

“You owe me for this, Dax.” I then hit the call button and returned to my desk.

As soon as I sat down, her smoky voice filled my ear. “I was just about to call you, Gabriel.”

“Were you?” I asked, smiling.

“I was going to see what time I should fly into town. I was thinking of getting there a day or two early because weather reports are stating that Chicago is expecting—”

“That’s actually why I was calling. I’m going to have to take a raincheck for this weekend.”

“Is everything okay?” she asked, not even bothering to hide her concern over my breaking our date.

“Yes,” I responded. “Everything’s fine unless you count this charity auction I’ve been suckered into participating in.”

“Sounds like fun. What are they auctioning off?”

“Me.” I chuckled, before elaborating. “All of the Titans are participating in a bachelor auction. The highest bidders will win a date with each of us which will take place on Valentine’s night directly after the event. I’m going to have to wine and dine someone, but it’s for a good cause.”

“Wow, that’s a great prize. We can take a rain check on this weekend. I have some upcoming shoots and shows in Italy, but I’ll be back to the States in about a month or two. We can get together then, yes?”

“Absolutely,” I assured her. I wasn’t particularly thrilled about this charity auction where we would be paraded onstage like cattle and bid on, but it was for the children. “I’ll make this up to you. I—”

“I like the sound of that,” she told me. “I should get going, though. The photographer is grumpier than usual today. I’m sure you know how that is.”

“I do,” I replied, knowing if those around her were anything like the clients, General Managers, and other people I dealt with, then she would need a drink after her shoot. “I won’t keep you, Clara. Thanks for understanding and being so flexible. I—”

“I’m very flexible, but then again, you already know that. Later, Gabriel.” She hung up and I set my phone down.

Clara wasn’t lying when it came to being flexible. Ordinarily, we would banter back and forth until she got me turned on enough for me to take care of my obvious needs. She wasn’t the only woman I causally dated. There were others in her line of work, as well as some in mine. I normally hit the top three of the city’s most eligible bachelor lists, and my dance card reflected it. There was no telling who I would end up with this weekend, but I’d make the most of it.

My thoughts turned back to Clara. I was introduced to her though Mason on a trip I took to New York City a few years back. We’d become friends and had gone on a few dates, and attended a few events together. I was happy being single and with our careers being so demanding, neither one of us had time for anything more than a few dates or romps in the sheets.

I hadn’t been lying when I told Clara I would make it up to her. I wasn’t one to make plans, then renege, but I suppose it really was for a good cause. If others like Noah, Daxon, and Callum could show up, I could as well. There were even other Titans, however, most of them were older than me so we didn’t share as many interests or things in common. They had all been devastated about the news of my father, another Titan.

My thoughts turned from it back to the different positions I would take Clara in so when my phone rang, I didn’t even look to see who it was. I had a feeling it was my secretary since it was my work line, and when she called back a second time, I picked up the receiver.

“Yes,” I asked.

“I’m glad you’re still there, Mr. Blake. Myrna from Fox Sports is on the other line, and she’s insisting on speaking to you directly. She said a client—”

“Put her through,” I advised, and when the line clicked, I began talking right away. “What can I do for you, Myrna?” It was silent for a moment, so I spoke up again. “Myrna?”

“It isn’t Myrna. It’s—”

The voice was one I hadn’t heard for so long, but one I would recognize anywhere. “Harper?” At first, it was disbelief, but remembering how long it had been since we last talked, and why so much time has passed, my anger toward her came roaring to the forefront. “What the hell do you want?”


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