Page 39 of Deceptively Yours

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“Rest. I can make sure she gets plenty of that,” I advised, somewhat second-guessing that because Harper was even more willful and headstrong than she’d ever been growing up which was saying a lot.

“Good. I’ve called in a prescription for her. The pharmacy’s going to send someone right over with it.”

“I’ll see that she gets it and takes it as prescribed.” Again, I was hoping I wasn’t being too optimistic about that, but we’d see once she woke up.

“If there’s nothing else,” he said, looking over at my bloodied knuckles. Before he could ask me about my own injuries, I shook my head. “No, that will be all. Thanks.”

“Very well then, Gabriel. Good night.”

I walked the doctor to the door, then leaned heavily against it once it closed. Because of my own interrogation, I had no idea of everything that bastard had done to her, and while I wanted to wake her up and demand that she tell me, I knew Dr. Peterson was right. She needed to rest.

Once she woke up, she would be hungry, so I picked up my phone and remembered the pizzeria she once loved so much. It’d been the last thing we’d ordered together.

The city was under another winter storm watch, but this one was nothing as severe as the blizzard which passed through the weekend before.

I dialed the number to the place we used to order from, and I was glad they were still in business. After she’d first left, I’d still visit the establishment, but it’d never been the same so I had stopped after a year or two.

Nothing had been the same after she’d left. It was silly to think how much my life changed once she moved away, but it had. My mood, attitude, and every hope and dream I’d had were all impacted. I wasn’t the only one, though. Harper had changed even more than I had, and not all of it was because of Jayson.

I dialed the number, and when a woman answered on the other end, I cleared my throat. “Did you just say there was a special?”

She’d rattled it off so quickly, and while Harper used to enjoy pepperoni or sausage, this sounded like something she might enjoy. “It’s a combination meat pie with sausage, prosciutto, and Italian beef. It’s topped with a spicy giardiniera. Would you like to—”

“I’ll take one of those, along with a Caesar salad.” I then confirmed it was for delivery and provided the address. As she was about to give me the total, I remembered Harper and her sweet tooth. “Would you throw two tiramisus in there as well?”

She added the dessert to the order, provided the total which I used my credit card to pay for, then she advised of a delivery time. Between the weather and the fact it was a Thursday, I knew it would take a little over an hour to get here. That would leave me plenty of time to get a shower so I could wash all traces of this day off of me. Plus, Harper needed no extra reminders of what we’d just gone through.

I went upstairs and when I entered my bedroom, it was a gut check to see Harper lying there in my bed once again. What had once been a childhood dream was now reality, only the reasons for it were what soured my mood further.

I’d never blame her for the actions of a madman. No, he was no man. Males that hurt women like Jayson did were monsters. The woman just feet from me barely escaped with her life.

I was thankful now that I’d arrived in time, but it still wasn’t quick enough. The damage had already been done, and I shook my head realizing I needed to rid myself of the reminders as well.

She was so still that I couldn’t help myself from moving over to her. I reached down as she slept so peacefully, and gently moved her dark hair off of her cheek. Her heart shaped face had once been fuller, but it had grown thinner, more refined over the years.

My fingers ached to touch her more, but I couldn’t help but be reminded of her recent trauma. Despite the bruises and cuts marring her fair skin, her natural beauty still shone through. My gaze lingered on her longer as I took in her perfectly arched brows and high cheekbones. And those lips...

My cock hardened involuntarily, and not wanting to disturb her, I quickly took a step or two back. Maybe, it was more that I didn’t trust myself around her, but whatever it was, I walked over to my closet and found a pair of sweats to put on. I didn’t plan on leaving for the rest of the night, so that was all I needed. I stole another glance at Harper before heading to the bathroom.

“Gabriel,” she lightly murmured.

Because her voice was so soft, I almost thought I’d imagined it. I half expected that to be the case until I turned to find her already trying to sit up. I dropped the pants over the back of the nearby chair, then returned to her side.

“You really should be resting. The doctor said—”

“I know what the doctor said...” she tried to tell me, but stopped before completing her thought.

“Then you know you should be sleeping.”

“I...” Again, she didn’t complete her sentence. I know the doctor had given her something, and I supposed she was still groggy from the sedative.

“Do you need something. I can go—”

“You. I need you.” This time, she did finish, and I reached over and covered her hand with mine.

“I’m right here, Harper. I’m not going anywhere other than to shower. I—”

“No,” she cried out, and I picked up her hand.

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