Page 27 of Deceptively Yours

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If only he knew the truth in those words, except he was no lover of mine. What good would telling him that do? It would only hurt him more, so I did what I had to do that night on the phone with him which was lie more.

“So hard and rough.”

Gabriel growled. He obviously didn’t expect me to be so brutally honest. The dagger inside of my chest twisted deeper at the look of pain that flashed across his features until he schooled them back into ones of indifference.

His lips curved sharply into a feral smirk, and while this side of him excited me, it also saddened me because this was what I had pushed him to.

Good at taking anything thrown at me now, I steeled my resolve when one of his hands wrapped around my throat. I half expected him to do like my tormentor and squeeze until I couldn’t breathe.

“Unconscious whores can’t gag,” he’d tell me as I’d slip in and out of darkness, controlled entirely by him.

Gabriel was different, though. He might hate me right now, but he would never physically hurt me. We had history together, and sixteen years was too much to forget, despite the circumstances.

Still, my eyes raised to his and I stared into them until I couldn’t any longer. Gabriel was driving into me with long, hard strokes. Walking might even be difficult tomorrow if this pace kept up. I deserved every ache and more, though.

“Gabriel,” I mouthed moments before I shattered apart.

My climax was truly encompassing, the intensity so great I began to see stars. Everything spun around me except for his face. It’d been a constant my entire life, and nothing had changed where he was concerned. The orgasm went on and on, forever it seemed, until he finally pulled out. I realized he hadn’t come, but before I could ask him why, he lowered me back to my feet.

Once my feet hit the travertine below, he pushed me to my knees. I didn’t fight him on this and reached out for him until he swatted my hand away. Gabriel ripped off the condom, then fisted his cock.

He stared at me for a few seconds before he violently stroked himself. His groans turned to a growl as he did so for a final time, then came on my breasts. I didn’t know why he chose to do that until he spoke.

“You like pearl necklaces, too. Not the type of jewelry I’d planned to give you, but I guess it works.”

I let out a gasp and almost said something to him until I realized why he would think that. One of the pictures I had sent him showed this very thing. I refused to put the two in the same category, not back then and definitely not now.

It was still a shock to see him act so callously toward me. I looked down at my chest and dragged my shaky hands through his cum. I then held my hands out in front of me.

“Good night, Harper,” Gabriel said abruptly.

I looked up at him. This what not the man I had loved. His eyes were cold and nearly lifeless. I blinked, then saw an image of his eyes as he lay dead in a pool of blood.

“No, wait,” I cried out. “We need to talk.”

“Some other time. I need a shower.”

Gabriel turned and ignored my pleas as he ascended the stairs. I knew he had reached his bedroom when I heard the slamming of a door. I winced, then forced myself back onto my feet. It was hard to even walk when my limbs refused to move, but putting one foot in front of the other, I grabbed the T-shirt from the floor, then slowly made my way upstairs as well.


I couldn’t get upstairs fast enough, even taking the steps practically two at a time. Twice tonight, I’d fallen under Harper’s spell. I had no idea what the hell was wrong with me. I hated this woman, even if I had once felt something much different for her.

It was the here and now that mattered, or at least it should have been. I had never loved anyone like I once loved her, and in fact, I had never allowed myself to fall for anyone else since. I’ve dated a lot of women over the years, but I’d always managed to keep things casual. Keep things fun. Whenever it looked like it might become something different, I would end things.

“You got to get a fucking grip,” I chastised myself as I reached my door.

Once I got into the privacy of my bedroom, I began pacing back and forth. Hell, I didn’t know if it was adrenaline or some sort of anger, but I had so much restless energy racing through my bloodstream.

To make matters worse, my dick was still hard as hell. I’d gotten off, just partially, though. Fucking her was physically still very good, but in my head, there was nothing pleasurable about falling victim to her charms once again.

Maybe, I’d taken too many hits on the football field during my youth. A lot of us would joke about CTE, but the reality was that it wasn’t a joking matter. Not now, and not then.

I had just lost what was left of my fucking mind. I should’ve turned down the entire charity auction and kept my date with Clara. We’d be in this bed getting hot and heavy under the sheets. Instead, I was with my ex, and the one who’d thrown everything we’d worked for all away. I didn’t put her out or refuse to see her. I just fucked her and came on her like she was some sort of common harlot.

I was honestly surprised I had been able to treat Harper like that. I had, if for no other reason than to prove a point. It worked because the look on her face when I said what I said and did what I did would stay with me forever. It’d been a mixture of shock, disgust, and pain. The latter was what I wanted her to experience.

After all, it was an eye for an eye.

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