Page 21 of Deceptively Yours

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“You’re so fucking wet,” he remarked aloud as soon as he moved his head back.

“You make me that way,” I answered honestly.

He let out a sarcastic chuckle, but I didn’t give a damn if he believed me or not. At my lowest points, I would dream about what was happening right now, but even it paled in comparison to the real thing.

He returned to attacking my clit and pussy with both his mouth and hands and no matter how hard I tried to hold back, I couldn’t any longer. I came and it was so cathartic that I started to literally see stars swimming in my vision. I cried out as he thrust his tongue into me, then proceeded to bring me to a second one.

Eventually, he did straighten back up and I stared over my shoulder at him. He looked completely unaffected while my hair was damp from perspiration and sticking to the sides of my face. My heart was racing a million beats a second and I could barely catch my breath.

I just stared at him, every hard inch of muscle. I longed to run my hands and tongue over the ridges, and to follow the sharply carved vee that disappeared into his pants.

He was staring at me, too. I was standing on one leg with the other on the pool table and he was leisurely appraising me as if he had all the time in the world. I only wished for him that it was true. If my suspicion was right, his time was definitely limited. I had come all this way to warn him, but even that went to the wayside the moment he lowered his pants.

I gulped when I saw how big he was. I had saved every moment with him to memory before, but it had to have failed me because he wasn’t the same boy I once knew.

He was a grown man, and even sexier than I ever dreamed he would be. I watched as he kicked his pants off, then moved away from me. After rummaging around in a nearby drawer, he returned with a condom in his hand. It didn’t take him long to sheathe his cock and I closed my eyes as he took his place behind me once again.

Within seconds, he was inside of me. I supposed I expected him to want to take it slow, but he thrust fully into me, making my eyes water.

Gabriel also gave me no time to acclimate to him because as soon as he slammed into me, he withdrew and did it all over again. I wanted to move, but when I tried to push myself up, he pressed down on my back. His other hand held my leg against the table edge, and I was now essentially pinned beneath him as he fucked me hard.

It was probably too mild of a word for what he was doing to me. Even with... No, I refused to go there. I wouldn’t let him take this from me like he had everything else. Gabriel finally released the hold on my back and when I tried to move again, he used his free hand to slap my ass.

“Be still, goddammit it,” he cursed.

Another hard slap made me whimper. I wasn’t sure why I was enjoying him spanking me so much, but I was. Nothing was better than the way he was driving into me now, though.

I focused solely on him and his punishing rhythm knowing this was likely in retaliation for what I’d done to him. He didn’t know my reasons, and I didn’t care to share them with him now. He also didn’t know my motivation. No one did. That shameful secret would be one I took to my grave with me.

Gabriel continued to fuck me, his speed and intensity never lessening, I was so close to another orgasm and as if he knew, he slowed to a stop.

Fear that he’d leave me aching as badly as I currently did, I opened my mouth to plead. “Please, Gabe. I—”

“Please what, Harper?” he asked, as if he didn’t already know.

He wanted me to say it. Gabriel wanted me to beg him, and I wasn’t above doing so if it meant he would finish me off. “Please fuck me. I need...”

My own words were cut short when he released his hold on my back and quickly pulled me back to a standing position. One hand stayed on my leg while the other wrapped around my throat. “Do you ache, Harper?”

“Yes. I... Oh,” I cried out when he started to move. The angle of penetration was different, so his thrusts were even now more punishing. He slammed into me repeatedly as he kissed along the shell of my ear.

“If only I’d known you were this easy before, I could’ve saved us both several years,” he told me before driving into me once last time.

Even his words couldn’t stop the avalanche of pleasure careening toward me and when he came, I did so right along with him. A few tears fell from my eyes and I ignored the burn as they slid down my cheeks.

Seconds later, he pulled out of me and I collapsed forward. I lowered my leg, and as soon as my foot hit the floor, I whirled around. Then, before I realized what I was about to do, I slapped him which shocked us both.

There was a red print looming on his tanned skin and my hand stung like it’d been attacked by a swarm of bees. His eyes narrowed, but I didn’t care. I was glad he was now pissed because I was beyond that considering his last words.

“You asshole,” I said before he could say something first. “And after I came here to warn you that your life is in danger, I should’ve left and just let you fucking die.”

I gathered what was left of my dignity, then forced my wobbly legs to work as I headed to the staircase. I never turned to see his reaction as I quickly climbed each one. As soon as I reached the top, I ran to the guest bedroom and locked the door behind me.


I watched Harper flee upstairs and I shook my head which was still ringing from her blow.

“Was it something I said?” I asked aloud before grabbing my pants. I got rid of the condom, put my sweats back on, then headed upstairs.

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