Page 13 of Deceptively Yours

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I noticed the time and glancing quickly at my watch, I realized it had recently started, but just about twenty minutes earlier. My somewhat favorable luck was continuing, especially if a prize as hot as Gabriel was saved for last. I managed to sneak into the crowded ballroom, and hid off in the corner. The emcee was returning to stage and I forced my nerves to settle more.

“Thank you for the very generous donation that will benefit Lurie Children’s Hospital and their oncology unit. Next up, we have a trio of men that’ll have you opening your wallets and saying mmm, mmm, mmm. These men are known city-wide as Titans, and in addition to a night on the town with one of them, they have also graciously advised that they will match the winning bids. So without further adieu, I present the first Titan for auction tonight. He is a renowned psychiatrist, and one of Chicago’s...”

I didn’t recognize the man being presented, but if other Titans were there, I knew Gabriel would be, too. All of the guests were dressed so nicely, whereas I looked like I just rolled out of bed and threw some clothes on.

The bidding started at a thousand and I watched as a group of thirsty women practically fell over themselves to bid on the doctor. He was hot. Even that I couldn’t deny. He wasn’t the man I would give up my last few dollars for, and as my eyes moved to the side of the stage, my heart skipped a beat.

Gabriel was wearing a tuxedo which brought me back to our high school days, the last Homecoming Dance to be more specific. I’d been in a lilac dress which was backless, and held up by the thinnest pair of spaghetti straps I had ever seen. They’d been no match for my teenage lover who lowered them with his teeth. He’d been dressed in all black, the only pop of color being the lilac bowtie bought to match my gown. We’d gone back to this very hotel and made love in room 513.

I closed my eyes and it was as if I was transported back to that night. Everything had been so right in our lives. I’d been scared, but Gabriel was so patient. We’d become each other’s first, and I knew in that moment that I’d love this boy forever. He’d brought my body to such pleasurable heights. Sex was everything I thought it’d be and more, but by the time I moved to Portland, it only represented pain.

It never would’ve been that way with—

“And our next Titan for auction tonight is none other than the face of the Blake Sporting Agency. Single, twenty-six years old, and ready to mingle, give it up for Gabriel Blake. He’s an adrenaline junkie, sports enthusiast, and romantic at heart. For a date tonight with him, we’re going to open the bidding at a cool thousand dollars.”

Multiple women started to raise their fans high in the air. Everything the emcee had said about him sounded a lot like my Gabriel, even though he had grown up over the last decade.

Her mention of his unattached status sent a warmth rushing through me. It appeared that none of those photographed with him had been able to snag his heart. Or maybe, I’d destroyed it so well that it didn’t exist anymore.

No, I couldn’t believe that. I knew Gabriel Blake, and deep down, he was a good, kind, caring man like his father. He was raised by two of the best parents after my own, and I even missed them terribly. I had no idea that the last time I’d had coffee with Franklin would be the last time I’d see him alive.

I quickly wiped at my cheek and focused on the bidding.

“We’re at thirteen thousand already. Are there anymore.... now fourteen and fifteen.”

I was starting to sweat. That was a lot of money, but I had to win this auction. When it appeared that the winning bid would stand at fifteen thousand dollars, I stepped out of the shadows. “I’ll bid twenty-five thousand dollars.”

All eyes turned around in their seats, but I was only focused on the dark ones staring a hole through me. He recognized me, and his facial expression tightened into one of cool displeasure. He couldn’t cause a scene here, nor could he renege on a bid.

“Twenty-five thousand going once... twice.... Sold, to the woman in the back.”


These auctions were actually quite degrading, but I had done them the last two years so I thought nothing of doing it again. Granted, I would rather be in front of a roaring fire, bringing Clara to multiple orgasms, but charity was charity, and my parents taught me to appreciate what I had and give back when I could. They were no longer around, but I wanted to make them proud nonetheless.

Daxon was the first of the three Titans to be introduced, and he’d nabbed a winning bid of fourteen thousand dollars. We would be lying if we said there wasn’t a friendly bit of competition between us because there was. No one wanted to be the lowest bid, although fetching double digits was impressive.

When my bids had gotten to fifteen, I’d turned to smirk at the others, then heard a voice from my both my dreams and nightmares.

“I’ll bid twenty-five thousand dollars.”

Harper Grimes.

First, she had called me and now stalked me at a charity auction. I had no idea what the hell her problem was. There was once a time when she had me for free, and every part of me. Her parents died and she moved away, then turned into someone I didn’t recognize or like.

I’d tried being understanding in the beginning, but being presented with evidence of her infidelity had been the end of us. She knew it, so I was surprised to see her back. She had to want something, and when I realized that could be me, I growled.

“What are you bitching about, Blake? Someone’s actually going to pay twenty-five thousand dollars to spend time with your surly ass. You should be happier.”

Daxon had no idea who this woman was, and when Noah peeked around me to see her for himself, he quickly stepped back. “Is that Harper?”

“Yes,” I muttered. “I don’t know what kind of fucking game she’s playing.”

“Maybe she wants to kiss and make up,” Noah suggested, and I flipped him off.

“I don’t trust her. I—” The emcee then announced Noah and of course his celebrity status as a local athlete had the bids pouring in.

Daxon and I rolled our eyes, but watched as the ego on Noah grew larger with every thousand more pledged. We weren’t jealous of his success. I’d known him almost all of my life and when not training or playing, he also did a bit of modeling, so his face was everywhere in Chicago. Beyond all that, he was a very humble and down to earth guy.

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