Page 12 of Deceptively Yours

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I arrived at O’Hare Airport, and judging by the crowds of people at the baggage carousels, I was thrilled to have packed light and gone with just an overnight bag. Something told me that I might’ve packed a little too light if the conversations about the current weather conditions were true.

“Of course, Chicago would get a blizzard when I show up,” I had murmured to myself. I swear if I didn’t have bad luck, I would have none at all.

The craziest thing about it was that my life hadn’t always been this way. Up until the death of my parents, I’d had a great life. I had friends, family that I loved, and the heart of a boy I still believed to be my soulmate. I had loved him even before I knew what it meant, and I know it was returned to me at one time. Despite his feelings about me now, I would have to make him remember what we once had so I could warn him about the danger he might be in.

I’d been counting the money transfers done in ten thousand dollar increments, and thirteen had been made. I wasn’t sure what his rate for mayhem was, but something told me fifteen could be the lucky number. If so, Gabriel’s days could be numbered, and in fourteen or less.

I couldn’t risk it. I hoped it was for some other purpose, but suspecting that George somehow caused or arranged the crash that had killed his parents, if he even for a second thought that Gabe could know about the inheritance, he wouldn’t hesitate to have him snuffed out, too.

I pulled my bag tight to my chest and began speed walking toward the ground transportation section. I had pre-arranged for an Uber when I’d been on the tarmac waiting on the plane to unload at the gate. It was a Friday night and Valentine’s Day to boot. I was honestly surprised to find a ride so easily. I wouldn’t look the first gift horse in the mouth, so I made my way outside where the frigid air hit me like a ton of bricks.

“They weren’t kidding about an arctic blast,” I muttered. I pulled my cellphone back out and looked for the car I’d ordered and as luck would also have it, the dark sedan was on the curb. I smiled at the driver as he stood beside it.

“Are you Ramon?”

The man nodded, then took my bag from me and placed it into his trunk. I didn’t need my purse or anything from it as long as I had my cellphone. I got into the backseat of the Toyota and buckled up.

“You going downtown?” he asked.

“Yes, I need to go to Blake Sporting Agency at 12...” My voice trailed off as I waited for the exact address to pull up. When it did, I finished rattling it off. Because of the delay upon landing as we waited on anther plane to leave before we could pull in, over an hour elapsed which put me even more behind the eight ball when it came to finding him.

I used to know exactly where to find Gabriel, but a lot had changed since we were sixteen. He wouldn’t be at arcades, Noah’s house, or the local mall. He was a grown man, and one with a hell of a social life if the newspaper headlines I’d seen of him were accurate.

Gabriel dated models, athletes, and other celebrities while I still looked like the girl next door, but without any of the innocence they usually possessed. I was soiled… damaged... but above all flawed, so even my own appearance was a lie.

I wouldn’t worry myself with his whereabouts now. Hopefully, he was still at work and I would catch him before he left for some romantic night with a woman. I knew why the very thought had my stomach churning, but there was nothing I could say or do about it. I would keep my jealousy in check, and focus on what I flew here to do.

The driver made small talk with me, but I was very clipped in my responses. My nerves were starting to build, and I was slightly shaking over the possibility of seeing Gabriel in the flesh once again.

He’d always been athletic, so it was no surprise that he kept his body in optimal shape even though his playing days were over. I saw a recent lakeside party and he was photographed in nothing but swim trunks and NIKE slides. I might’ve stared at his face... his chest... and the obvious ridge behind the shorts a bit more than I should’ve.

It wasn’t all for naught because as I pleasured myself that night, I imagined it was his large hands fondling me, and his cock driving inside of me. It alone had been good for one orgasm, but when I pictured laying in his arms afterward and feeling the security he always brought me once more, I came again. That picture was one I kept in my head, even though he would rather suffocate me with a pillow than hold me through the night.

“We’re here,” Ramon said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yes, we are. Thank you.” I undid the seatbelt and opened the door. By the time I slid out of the backseat, Ramon was there with my bag. I took it from him, then smiled as he got back into his car. When he pulled away from the curb, I took a deep breath and turned to look at the monstrous skyscraper in front of me. I knew his office was on the twelfth floor, and when I used my finger to manually count the levels, I was relieved to see a lot of lights still on.

I hurried into the building, nearly sliding on a piece of hidden ice. I managed to stay upright, and I was glad no one witnessed my near fall. I dusted off the fallen snow from my pants, then entered the interior.

Since I knew what floor I needed, I simply strode to the elevator. It was empty when I got on it, most people having left for the weekend already. I remembered the lights I had seen from the street and remained hopeful until the elevator stopped on my floor and the doors opened.

There was a young male turning the various lights off as he went from one room to another. He stopped when he saw me. “Do you need help, Miss?”

“Yes,” I answered. “Is Mr. Blake still here by any chance?”

He shook his head. “He left over an hour ago. He said something about a bachelor auction at the Ritz-Carlton.”

“A bachelor auction?”

“Yeah. One of those things where you bid on a date with a bachelor and the proceeds go to charity. I think it’s for the children’s hospital.”

“Okay, thank you.” I hurried back to the elevator.

I knew exactly where the hotel was and it wasn’t far. In fact, it was likely two blocks from this location. I rode the car downstairs, then raced to the exit. If he left over an hour ago, he might still be there. Granted, he might’ve earned himself a date with someone, but that was neither here nor there. I couldn’t get jealous over him. It was easier said than done, though.

I was glad now that I had chosen to wear jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt. I pulled the hood over my head, hefted the bag onto one shoulder, then started to run down the sidewalk. I ignored the curious glances of passersby and focused on the mission at hand.

I had to get there fast. My feet didn’t fail me once, although my heart was beating rapidly by the time I arrived at the hotel. I stopped just long enough to catch my breath, then I walked inside the lobby and heard applause.

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