Page 120 of Nevada

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“Did that asshole die?”

“He’ll be meetin’ his maker soon enough.” He holds me for a long time, then presses a kiss into my hair. “This wasn’t the outcome you wanted, but all isn’t lost.”

“It is.” My voice is muffled from being buried in his chest. “Her ID was in that bag.”

“That doesn’t mean?—”

“Then where is she? I have to face the facts, Nevada. I’m a PI and there was no trace of her. I broke every fucking rule in the book to try and find her, and I turned to the MC for help.” I prattle on. “You have the best people hacking security cameras and surveillance and we wound up here. I have to face the reality that Tilly isn’t coming home.”

“I spoke to Cash about the Stilettos.”

“What about them?”

“Well, if anyone knows anything about girls across the Texan border, it’ll be Diamond.”

I look up to face him, tears clinging to my lashes. “And what then, Asher? Another wild goose chase that will only lead me to the inevitable; that Tilly is no longer…” I break off, unable to say the words.

He pulls me to him again, encasing me against his warm chest. “You just need to rest, babe. We’re goin’ home.”

“Home?” I snort. “What home? I don’t have anything anymore.” Instantly I feel guilty for saying that.

“You have me.”

“I know I do. But then you’ll get sick of me, or I’ll piss you off and then you’ll be gone too.”

He holds me tighter. “Never. It won’t happen. I love you, boo.”

I snort, unable to help myself. “Boo?”

“Haven't called you that before.”

“I want to go home.”


“Your home. I don’t want to be alone.”

“I’m good with that.”

I look up. “Why do you love me?”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Because you’re beautiful. Smart. Belligerent and strong.”


“I went to college. Shocker, huh.”

“I’m not belligerent.”

He gives me a pointed look. “Okay. Sassy. Sexy. Completely crazy, but when I look at you, I see the woman I was always meant to be with. You shine brighter than any star in the sky.”

Tears well in my eyes again. “I love you.”

“Love you more. Been waitin’ a while to say that.”

I smile despite myself. With him I can be myself. I don’t have to self protect or pretend I’m okay. I’m seriously not okay. “Please take me home.”

“At first light.”

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