Page 119 of Nevada

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He chuckles softly. “I don’t hurt women.”

He lifts me like I weigh nothing and I want to tell him to put me down, but I don’t have the strength. I want Nevada. Where is he? Pick yourself up woman! But I can’t.

I surrender.

I am done.

“Nevada?” I manage to squeak.

“He’s comin’, baby, just hold tight.”

This man could be leading me anywhere, but it doesn’t matter. I have nothing to live for anymore. Halo and Kyle have the directions to the clubhouse and they’re enroute, but nobody else I know is here. I just need Nevada…

I turn my face into the man's chest and he takes me around the side, avoiding the clubhouse doors, and then we’re going into a dimly lit room. Like I say, with a name like Savage, he could be anyone.

He lays me down on a bed and I don’t even have the energy to shift back, to make myself small or to do anything to protect myself.

“You’ll be okay here, until Nevada or your friends get here.”

He pulls something from my belt… My knife… Maybe he thinks I’m suicidal.

“I’ll take this.”

It’s my favorite blade. “That’s sentimental,” I choke, trying to reach for it.

He holds it back, and only now do I get a look at his face. He’s got shoulder length shaggy hair, deep blue eyes like the ocean when it’s wild and a small amount of scruff. “Then you’ll get it back when your old man arrives.”

He doesn’t even know me, but he knows Nevada is my old man. This club doesn’t fuck around. He moves off the bed and sets something down on the side table. “I’ll be right out those doors if you need anythin’.”

I frown. “Why are you being so nice to me?” I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands.

He turns. “Because I know hopelessness when I see it, and like I said, I don’t hurt women. I’m only a savage to those who deserve it.” And with that, he leaves.

I close my eyes, my head throbbing. I chastise myself for being so weak, for not being able to keep it together in front of these people who tried to help me.

I reach for the side table. It’s my sister's license. She’s really gone.


My baby sister.

She’s gone forever.

I’m not asleep, but when I feel the bed tip, I know that it’s him.


I don’t even turn my head. I can’t. I can’t face him like this.

His voice is soft. “What happened?”

I shake my head and he pulls me into his arms. I turn and clutch his cut, holding onto him for dear life and the floodgates open. I don’t know how long I sob for.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

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