Page 7 of Merger

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I lifted my brow. I was so shocked I couldn't move as Atticus took my left hand, planted it on the panel, and typed in a few things to lock it in. "Now you're approved. Only you. Anyone else will have to get buzzed up and ring the doorbell."

I blinked slowly. "Well, it's not like they can access the penthouse elevator without a key anyway."

He shrugged. "Just in case."

When we stepped in the foyer, we were greeted by the scent of spices and food cooking, and I swear to God I would have kissed Magda on the mouth if she’d been standing right there.

"Oh my God. Is that bread? I would kill for fresh-baked bread. Wow, this is great."

His smile was brief as he nodded toward what looked like a new security panel.

"This is the new panel?" I asked.

"There's a new manual too. You will need to read it.”

"Why do we need a new security panel? Wasn't the other one state of the art?"

"Yes, but this one is better. Come here. If you put your chin right there and—" He cut himself off as he pressed a couple of buttons on the side and indicated that I should put my chin in the little tray and look directly at the light. "Perfect. Now we have your handprint, fingerprint, and eye scan. And you see the monitor here? You'll be able to see who's downstairs in the lobby and know who’s in the stairwells."

He flicked through the images quickly, showing me. "And you'll also be able to see anyone from the panic room.”

I blinked at him slowly. "Uh, there's a panic room now? I have only been gone two weeks, or did you put this in while we were in the Winston Isles?"

"If you pay enough money and tell them that they don't have to be concerned about any noise complaints, anything can be done in two weeks.”

Looking on the monitor, I took in the size of the panic room. “That’s a whole full-sized room."

He nodded. "Well, I took part of the study, part of the library, and that fifth bathroom. We didn't need it."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You took part of the library?"

"Yes. It made the most sense for the space."

My heart squeezed. This didn't feel like my Atticus. This was cold, calculated Atticus. The one who would do the important thing, but not necessarily the one that would make anyone happy.

"I'm really grateful, Atticus. I am. And I love that you love me enough to do all of this for me. I appreciate it. I really do."

His back went ramrod straight. "Yes, but?"

I winced. "No but. It's just… You and Micah and I all loved that library. It's just a shame to see some of that go."

"Don't worry. I'll buy you a library if that's what you want." Then he marched from the foyer, leaving me and taking my bags with him. I had no choice but to follow. But something was off. Where was the Atticus who had been laughing with me, holding me, and making me comfortable? Where had he gone?

When I rounded the corner, I heard voices and gasped in surprise as I saw Clarissa and Morgan on the couch. "Oh my gosh, what are you guys doing here?"

Morgan jumped up and bounded over to me, but Atticus stopped her right before she reached me, and he frowned. "You have to be careful with her, Morgan. You can't jostle her too much, remember?"

Morgan winced in contrition. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. It's just so great to see you walking around instead of lying down. You look so good."

"You're a liar,” I teased. “But I am happy to be home."

Atticus was watching me and apparently felt the need to chime in. "You're always beautiful, Gwen."

"Yes, well, you're my husband. You are legally obligated to say that."

Again, no real smile. Not even the ghost of one that I was more familiar with.

Clarissa came over and hugged me gently. "Morgan and I have been baking since we saw you in the hospital a couple of days ago. There is bread galore. I know that's what you like to eat when you’re feeling sad, so there are some baguettes and a few croissants for you. We just wanted to see you. I know that you and Atticus probably want to get re-acquainted with your home."

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