Page 67 of Merger

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"Atticus, not this again. We're not leaving."

He clapped a hand to his chest. "Then tell me what to do, Gwen. This is my fault. We are in this predicament because of me. Whether it's my father, or Bronson, or someone else, they are coming after you because of me. Because I was unwilling to let you go. Because I chose you. Because they want revenge. And the easiest way to get to me is through you. I can't even keep you safe because I am unwilling to let you go again. If I was smart, I would have told Pierce to kidnap you and put you on a plane to Bumblefuck, Nowhere, and keep you there under lock and key. But I'm weak. I can't stand to be apart from you, and all I care about is your happiness and safety."

I knew he had to get this out, so I didn't bother interrupting and telling him that the only way Pierce was getting me on a plane without him was by killing me. I figured now was not the time for jokes. Not when he was this distraught.

"Everything I touch turns to shit. Just like my father fucking said."

This time, I scooted to him, intertwining our legs, and I took his hands. "Your father is a lying, narcissistic, sadistic user. That's it. That's all. He's not special. He's not magic. He's not powerful. We beat him. You, me, Micah, your mother, all of us together. We don't do anything apart. And I refuse to let you listen to that voice in your head. The one that he programmed. Seeing how Micah reacts to him and hearing the things he said to your brother just confirms he is the worst kind of human. But out of him, came the best thing in my life. You are good, and kind, and smart. You're shrewd and savvy, and you are mine. All mine. We're not running, Atticus. We do have to figure out some things, and maybe I need to stay home for a bit. Not because I'm hiding, but because we need a really good plan where I act as bait."

His brows immediately snapped down. "If you think?—"

"That's just the thing, Atticus, either we let ourselves be controlled like your father controlled you your whole life, or we go on the offensive. But we're not going to talk about that right now. Right now, we're going to talk about why you're in here instead of in bed with me."

He rubbed the back of his hand over his nose. "I didn't want you to see me like this."

My heart broke in two. I had never seen him cry before. Not properly like this. Emotions fully out. I had never seen him let go enough.

"I messed up."

"You didn't mess up, Atticus. I should have just gone straight to Rowan. I should have been in the elevator. The point is, someone knew I took the stairs. That someone is the one at fault. And the next time you are worried, or scared, or upset, you come to me. You don't hide in the pantry, understand?."

"To be fair, I didn't intend to hide in the pantry. I came for Oreos."

I mock-gasped and clutched my hand to my chest. "All the sugar, Atticus, honestly."

He shrugged. "Dad would never let us have them. Whenever Micah or I were upset, Mom would sneak us a few. She kept them in her bedside table in the bottom drawer. Sometimes we would go in there and sneak a few ourselves. Our housekeeper at the time was sleeping with my father, so she told him everything going on around the house, and that's why Mom had to hide the cookies. Anyway, I came to see if we had any."

"I think we do. Have you ever put them over ice cream?"

"Isn't that just Oreo ice cream?"

I frowned. "Why on earth would you put them over vanilla?"

He shook his head, knowing exactly where I was going with this. "No, please don't tell me you put Oreo crumbles over other flavors."

"It's the best. Oreos over sherbet is chef’s kiss."

He made a gagging sound, and I could see the hold the fear had on him dissipating slightly. Instead of dark, anguished storm clouds, it was more like the gray ones that maybe promised some rain, but not doom.

"Come on, I'll show you."

He shook his head. "No, I can't watch you eat something that disgusting. Maybe we'll just eat the Oreos."

"Okay. Just Oreos is good too. They're delicious. Oh, maybe Oreos and gummy bears. Hold on, I have a stash." I made to get up, but instead, he pulled me down onto his lap.

"That's okay. Maybe just stay here for a minute." I met his gaze, and his eyes searched mine. "I'm so sorry, Gwen."

"My life changed dramatically after meeting you on that balcony. That glitter-bombing was accidental, because I do not control the wind, but I like to think it was my mom giving me the love that I so desperately needed then. You brought nothing but good into my life, Atticus, whether you choose to see it that way or not. Now, it's you and me till death do us part. I mean, unless you're like super into me having one of those why-choose situations, in which case?—”

He tugged me forward and planted a harsh kiss on my lips. "I'm the only choice you’ve got. Remember that."

"Oh, good. I'd rather not think about the extra dicks anyway. Just you and your very big?—"

He kissed me again, more harshly, as if pouring every drop of emotion into the kiss and attempting to sear our souls together. When he pulled back, his eyes were clear. "I love you, Gwen."

"And I love you, Atticus."

"And just so you know, for the foreseeable future, you and I go nowhere without the other. I'm not going to keep you in prison, but wherever you are, I’ll be there too. Because you're right; till death do us part. I'm not taking any more risks. You're my wife. And I'm your husband. Whatever we do, we do together."

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