Page 55 of Merger

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"I'm not."

Micah, Lakewood, and Gwen audibly scoffed, and Morgan just laughed to herself.

Pierce didn't laugh though, because he was still busy kicking himself over everything that had happened.

"Fine," I turned to my brother. "You're going with her, right?"

Micah nodded. "There's no way I would make anyone handle that alone."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "I can handle him."

I threw my hands up. "Unless he's trying to murder you. The man is a master manipulator. He's been at this for years. So if you're not going to let me murder him, then at least take someone with you when you talk to him."

She rolled her eyes. "All right, that’s fair. Who's going with you to talk to Bronson?"

We’d opted to divide and conquer the suspects. The most likely suspects for hiring an assassin to take care of Gwen were my father and Bronson Jacobson. Lucy, while a bothersome problem, was seen as little threat. Her family was off the list. Her father was an asshole, but he had no reason to want Gwen dead. Nevertheless, we’d circle back and take another look at them if nothing panned out with Jacobson or my father. "Fine, who do you deem as my escort?"

Morgan raised a hand. Gwen, Lance, and I all shook our heads. "No, you stay here,” I said emphatically.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "God, you guys never let me have any fun."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that, and she stuck her tongue out at me. I had grown men who shook in their boots every single time they had to address me, but this kid was sticking her tongue out at me. I lifted a brow and she just flashed a grin at me, completely unperturbed.

I knew I liked the kid.

" Wait,” Gwen said thoughtfully. “Can you be counted on not to murder Bronson?"

I considered it for a moment and started to smile. I saw Morgan point at me. "Look, he's thinking the murder thing again."

I waved a hand in dismissal. "I've already dealt with Bronson once, and I didn't murder him then. See? I have shown restraint in the past."

She rolled her eyes. "Lance, go with him."

Lakewood frowned. "Why am I always getting paired with him?"

He said it like a whiny, recalcitrant teenager, and I rolled my eyes. "Gear up, Lakewood. You're my trusted knight."

Gwen laughed at that. "Well, isn't this fun? We are a team again, just like in the Winston Isles."

Gavin chuckled. "Um, I have been given no job."

Rowan shoved macaroons in his mouth that Gavin had made as he returned from the kitchen. "I don't have a job either."

I smiled at both of them and then back at Morgan.

Morgan whined. "Oh my God, I do not need an escort."

"Yes, you do, kid. You have to go to a family dinner with the Beckers."

Gwen frowned. "Ugh, I'd forgotten about that." She made a sweet face at her sister. "I'm sorry, Morgs. You think you can handle him on your own?"

Morgan shrugged. "I should be fine. Besides, I’ll have eye candy with me.”

That made Gavin blush, and Rowan grinned back at her until I growled at him. Then his grin fell.

Morgan chose that moment to scowl at me. "You're ruining all my fun."

I turned back to Rowan. "No hands."

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