Page 36 of Merger

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She hesitated in the foyer as I dropped my keys in the bowl. "Um, I know I said it before, but thanks and shit."

"Of course. And Morgan, I meant it when I said I would like us to be closer. Not just for Gwen, but for me. I feel like I could learn a lot from you."

Her grin was so reminiscent of Gwen's, and it lit up her entire face. Dual dimples peeking out, making you instantly feel warm inside. I was going to have to lock her up in here. The guys were going to be knocking on the door, and I would definitely need to add more security, but it would need to be discreet. Because even more than Gwen, Morgan needed freedom. She needed to be as free as possible to figure out who the hell she was going to be, and she couldn't do that with a close watch.

"Now you’re giving me a worried look. What’s that all about?" she asked playfully.

"Nothing. It's just that I've only had a baby brother. I mostly just played swords with him, so I want to know what to do with a sister. You'll need to teach me that, too."

"Oh my God, it's going to be awesome,” she said with a laugh. “Let me paint your toenails."

I shook my head. "I regret this already."

"I'm just fucking with you. But we're going to do some little sister-big brother activities. We're going to pick one weekend a month where you do everything I'd say."

"Yep, I'm really going to regret this,” I muttered.

"No, you won't. It will make you more human. Besides, it'll be stuff that you can deal with. We’ll include Gwen too. It will help you open up your mind. Hell, you should totally join Micah's romance novel reading club. I mean it. The one we're reading right now is a hacking romance where the girl is also a vampire."

My brows lifted. "Wait, she's a hacker and a vampire? Is her love interest a vampire too?"

She rolled her eyes at me like I was a moron, because honestly, this couldn't be real. "No, he's a werewolf of course, hello."

Oh my God. How did I get out of this conversation?

She pumped her eyebrows. “Think of it as urban fantasy with lots of spice."

I swallowed hard. None of this made any sense. "You know what, I don't want to know about you reading spice. What the hell has Micah got you reading?"

"Oh please, I was reading these books long before he was. And I recommended this book to him."

The way her eyes danced, I knew she was deadly serious. "You know what? It’s bedtime. Down the hall that way, every bedroom has a bathroom, and there are always spare toothbrushes and toothpaste and a couple of different sets of pajamas in the closet.”

But I didn't need to direct her anywhere because Gwen was lying on the couch, and the moment she heard the sound of Morgan's shoes on the floor, she sat up. "Oh, there you guys are. Morgan, are you okay?"

Morgan nodded and then went over and gave her sister a raspberry on the cheek. "I'm fine. Atticus and Lance came to get me."

Gwen glanced around the two of us. "Where's Lance?"

"We dropped him off at home."

"Home? Is he at a hotel or something?" she asked, obviously confused.

I shook my head. "No, he kept his apartment. I guess he assumed he might be back."

"Right. But I thought he'd rented it out."

"I guess not. Anyway, we're back. Morgan is going to be staying here for a while."

Gwen blinked at me rapidly. "How long is a while?"

Morgan exchanged a glance with me. "Um, Atticus was saying that maybe I should stay here so you guys could keep an eye on me. Keep me out of trouble."

I could see what she was doing. But I let her do it. "Yeah, I figured you'd be happier if she was here. And the subway goes straight down to NYU. She doesn't need to stay in the dorm."

"Yeah, no sharing showers,” Morgan said with a giggle. “I’d planned to move off campus anyway, but if I can stay here with the sauna and the massage room, then why not do that?"

Gwen just laughed. "Well, it’ll be great to have you here. It's not like we don't have room." She just looked so at peace and happy. I wanted her to look like that all the time.

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