Page 34 of Merger

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It was only then that he turned around to face us. It was almost like he'd put the mask back on. That even-keeled, easy-going version of Lance Lakewood was back. But I could see now that wasn't really Lance. The real him was just underneath with barely concealed rage and something else that ran deep. He would protect Morgan with his life. And maybe even more fiercely than he’d protected Gwen when I sent her to him. Maybe I had underestimated him after all.

"Come on, Morgan, let's go,” I said, putting an arm around her shoulders. “And if you're good, I'll let you think of all the ways that we could ruin dipshit's life."



After we dropped Lakewood off, I led Morgan through the lobby of the Park Tower, watching her carefully. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"You can stop asking me that."

"I know. I just figured maybe it was scary. Do you like, want to talk or something?"

My sister-in-law laughed. "What? We're going to become besties now, are we, Atticus?"

I shrugged as I pushed the elevator button. "I don't know. Maybe."

She eyed me warily. "I guess I just feel stupid. And God, I really hate the fact that Lance saw me like that."

"Lance didn't see you like anything. He saw some guy overstepping, and he acted like any good guy would."

"Yeah, but he is Gwen's best friend. He has seen me do some stupid teenage shit. Like once, I went to a friend's party and maybe, just maybe, over indulged on the alcohol. I needed Gwen to come rescue me, which was embarrassing to say the least."

"She's your sister. She loves you."

"Yeah, but she brought Lance. And well, you can imagine. Lance thought I was the biggest idiot he'd ever seen." We stepped in the elevator and she leaned against the back wall as she talked.

"You know, I don't think you see Lance as clearly as you think you do."

"Oh, I see him and all his judgment. He acts like he was never young. Except Gwen has shown me the pictures of his blitzed-out drunk days. And how do you even get drunk like that? Anyway, he's like a very judgy big brother."

I nodded. "Right, big brother."

"He's always in my shit."

"Well, I can promise that I will not always be in your shit unless I think you're going to get yourself hurt. And then, well, I might get brotherly."

She grinned at me. "You know, I’ve said it before, but I think you're actually really good for Gwen."

I gave her a look of surprise. "Well, you've never said it to me before, so thanks, I guess."

"And she's good for you too. She makes you more, I don't know, human?"

"At least there is that."

She shrugged. "Well, you're a bit stiff."

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, tell me how you really feel."

"You're like a hot robot."

"Ooouch." I clutched my heart, acting wounded. But she was right, obviously. "Damn, I have to remember to keep my wits around the Becker girls."

"Nah, Gwen is all googly-eyed about you. She'd never hurt your feelings and call you a robot to your face."

"Oh yes, she has. But she had a point. She wanted me to feel my feelings."

Morgan grinned. "And did you tell her to feel her feelings too?"

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