Page 32 of Merger

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"Yeah, I know. I just hope that whatever is going on at the club isn't too serious. The last thing I want is for Atticus to get hurt."

"Really?” Micah laughed but then sobered quickly. “The thing you should probably worry about is Atticus hurting someone else. Especially if he thinks his family is under threat. He would do anything to protect you and your sister."



We took the Maybach. And as the tires slid over the rain-slick streets, I slid a glance over at Lakewood. "So, you want to tell me why you're coming with me to get Morgan?"

He didn't even look at me. "She's like my sister. Why wouldn't I come if some creep is all over her?"

"No, I mean, that's why I'm going. But are you sure that's why you're going?"

He turned to me at that point. "Excuse me, weren't you the one insisting I was in love with your wife?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I think you were. Or at least thought you were. I don't blame you either. Gwen is gorgeous. And too kind for her own good. Not to mention brilliant. She keeps me on my toes, and she is funny without trying to be. So yeah, of course, I assume everyone is in love with her. Except, I think a part of you, maybe, is in love with the idea of her, but that's because you have a soft spot for her. And you do love her; you’re just not in love with her, and I didn't see it until now."

He narrowed his gaze at me. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I chuckled low under my breath. "Right, I'm not talking about anything. I am relieved that you're not in love with Gwen. And you should be relieved too. It makes me hate you less."

"I don't give a fuck if you hate me."

"Sure, you do. I am your boss."

"Well, technically, Gwen is my boss. And now she’s your boss too, so…" He let his voice trail.

He had a point about that. Given that she had majority shares in my company, she could fire me at will. So I supposed she was my boss.

"Okay, fair point. But I do control your movement, so you still want me on your good side. And I like you now. Well, like is a strong word. But you get the idea."

"Morgan is also a kid, you know that, right?” he asked.

I sucked in a slow steady breath. "She is young. She's eighteen and needs to see the world a little. Maybe in a couple of years, but if I at all thought you were a creep, I'd be beating your ass."

"I'm not into Morgan."

I opted to let it go then. Far be it from me to tell the man what he wanted. He'd see it eventually. And then I would get the satisfaction of saying I told you so.

I pulled up to the club and tossed the valet my keys and a fresh bill from my wallet. The bouncer looked like he might try to dissuade us, but the hostess came running immediately and whispered something in his ear, and then he moved aside the velvet rope for us. Because of course he would.

When I spotted Morgan, I immediately noticed some asshole had her pinned at the bar, both hands on either side of her.

Hell, I didn't even get the chance to say shit before Lance was on the move.

"Lakewood, come the fuck?—"

Lance didn't hear a word. He just peeled the idiot off and dragged him by the collar far the hell away from Morgan. He was taking him toward the back. I took Morgan's hand, and we had no choice but to follow.

Behind me, Morgan squeaked, "What the fuck? Where did you guys come from?"

"Your sister filled us in."


"Yeah, you have another sister?" I asked loudly over the din of the music.

"She worries too much. I thought she would just come."

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