Page 31 of Merger

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Lance got very interested at that moment. "What guy? Morgan? She doesn't have any guys. Who could stand her for longer than ten minutes?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's the guy that my dad introduced her to."

Interestingly, it was Micah who remembered him. "Yeah, the one who had a clingy had-to-keep-calling problem. I have a workup on him."

"Right. Well, I don't think we need a workup, but he is at the lounge, club, or wherever Morgan is, and he's creeping her out. So I'm going to?—"

Before I could even say anything else, Atticus was standing with me in his arms. He planted me gently on my feet. "Micah, watch her. I'm going to get Morgan."

I blinked rapidly. "No, you don't have to do that. I was just coming to tell you that I was going to get her. Yes, I will take the bodyguards, and yes, I will be careful, but I just need to go and get my sister."

He gave me a look that I didn’t enjoy being on the receiving end of. It was cold and icy. And well, pissed off.

No, that wasn't pissed off. That was… hurt? But why was he hurt?

"She's my sister too now, so I'm going to get her and keep you safe at the same time. I'm not going to invite trouble we don't need. So please, do me a favor. Stay here."

The other lads stood up.

"Atticus, she's not going to appreciate a hoard of hot men walking in to ruin her evening. Be reasonable."

Gavin grinned at me. "So, you think I'm hot."

Atticus sliced him a look so cold that Gavin stepped back and put his hands up. "Just kidding, man. Just kidding."

Lance rolled his shoulders. "I'm going with you."

I laughed. "Lance, don't go with him. That's crazy. Besides, you can't save Morgan. That will really piss her off."

He then gave me a similar look to Atticus's. But this one held more pain. "I might think she's a pain in the ass, but she's kind of my pain in the ass, so if someone is bothering her, we need to fix it."

"Okay, fine, you two can go, but be discreet for fuck's sake. She won't like it. She'll be embarrassed. I just want her to know she has back up, okay? Lance, don't let Atticus do anything insane."

Lance just shrugged.

My husband reached out and kissed me on the temple. "Why didn't you ask me to go get her?"

"What? Isn't that what I just did?"

He shook his head. "No, you came to tell me that you were going. And then you acted like she wasn't my family too."

His voice was so low the others couldn't hear it. They were already dispersing, quickly taking assignments of what they were going to do next about trying to find whoever the hell was trying to kill me.

"Atticus, I—" But he was gone already with Lance on his heels. I glanced at my brother-in-law, who gave me a weak smile.

"He was just grumpy. Look, we didn't exactly have the best dad, as you know. Atticus has to feel like he's saving everyone. You know that. He will always volunteer, but he wants you to feel like you can ask, I guess. It's the better way to say that."

I sighed. "I just didn't think about it. I'm used to solving my own problems."

"Well, now you don't have to. You have six very good-looking men who are eager to do your bidding."

He gave me a little bow, and I laughed. "You lose the effect of saying very good-looking, if he's not here to hear it."

Micah winked. "Hey, I have to boost my own ego somehow."

"Right. So when he gets home, I'll fix it."

"I think it'll be a pretty easy fix. He loves you."

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