Page 3 of Merger

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My brain tried to hold on to the fleeting thought of something that had happened in the limo.

What had happened in the limo?

Suddenly, I was cold again. Freezing. I tried to reach for the warmth, but the beeps were louder now. Much louder. Faster too. Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I tried again to open my eyes, and this time the blinding light didn't assail me. It was a softer, more muted light, and I blinked.

A stark wintergreen gaze met mine, and my heart squeezed.


"Thank fuck, Ness. Hi."

I tried to use my mouth. Honestly, I did. But it was packed with... Why would someone put sawdust in my mouth? Sawdust was gross, inefficient, and disgusting. But I couldn't talk.

"Can someone get that stuff out of her mouth?"

And then I realized it wasn't sawdust. It was gauze.

Someone else came. A girl. A woman. How old was she? She couldn't be much older than Morgan. She peeled something off my lips, and I thought she was going to take my skin with it. Ouch.

When she pulled it out, my mouth was free.

"Atticus?" I croaked.

"Yes, baby. I'm right here. I'm right here."

My voice didn't work. It was dry and scratchy and ineffectual. I glanced around, worry settling in my veins, telling me something wasn't right.

Something beeped again, and my gaze skittered to it. It was some kind of machine that was showing green beeps going up and down, up and down, and?—

That was a monitor. And I thought the sounds were my heart rate.

I was in the hospital.

And that was when it all came crashing down. I was in the damn hospital.

What had happened? What hospital? Morgan?

No. You. You are in the hospital.

I was in the hospital. Okay. The monitor was for me. What had happened?

My scrambled brain tried to piece together what was going on and how I'd gotten here, and the confusion worried me as my mind tried to figure out what I was doing in a hospital bed.

Atticus was back, holding my hand. "There was an accident, Gwen."

I frowned. "Accident?" I remembered us being in the car. We were leaving the board meeting. Atticus had given me all his shares of Pendragon. I owned it all.

My eyes went to his as I frowned, and he stroked his thumb over my knuckles. "It's okay. You're okay. I've got you. Do you remember anything?"

I thought again. He gave me his shares of Pendragon, and then we'd headed home. In the limo, we'd had sex.

I started to smile at that. And then something else pricked my memory, but…

It was blank. All blank. I shook my head.

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