Page 24 of Merger

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Breathing heavily, I collapsed on top of her, my cock still buried deep within her ass. “Fuck, Ness…” was all I managed to get out. I didn’t know how long we stayed like that, but I eventually eased out of her then headed to the bathroom. I turned the faucets on in the tub and grabbed a few wet washcloths for her.

“Here, baby,” I said, cleaning her up before I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

“Atticus, I can walk you know.”

Gently I placed her in the tub before sliding in behind her. “I’m aware. But I have a massage to complete. Somebody distracted me.”

“Oh, that was me, was it?”

“Sure was.” I kissed her neck again. “I’m sorry I was a fool. I won’t pull back from you anymore.”

“Glad to hear it. Now that you’re being reasonable, maybe we can talk about what the hell you did with my job.”



"Don't you think this is a little extra?"

I glowered at Atticus as he double and triple-checked my bulletproof vest.

The compromise was three of Pierce’s men. He’d wanted five for a simple excursion across the street.

"Somebody shot at you right from that building,” he reminded me. “You would think that maybe you’d remember that."

"Yes, I do remember." I rolled my shoulder again. "However, the vest in broad daylight is a bit much, right?"

"I don't know, because I don't know who shot you,” he said, trying to sound perfectly logical. “Stop being stubborn. Let me do this."

I searched his gaze, and I could see the stress around his eyes and his mouth, so I stopped arguing. And not that I had a death wish or anything, but we were literally just crossing the street and going down a block. But he had a point. We didn't know who had tried to shoot me. So it was probably better to be safe than sorry.

"Fine. But do we really need all three of them, or would one suffice?"

"Yes, all three."

"If you saw a random couple approaching you with three massive dudes behind them, would you talk to them?" I asked.

He frowned, inclining his head at Sven. "Sven, you're with us. You two stay back a bit."

The others didn't look pleased about it. And for that matter, neither did Sven. But it didn't matter, because at least I had my husband back. That shell of a man who'd been walking around the house since I'd gotten home from the hospital was gone. And I was glad because I wasn't particularly fond of him.

He took my hand and we crossed the street, deftly managing to avoid the puddles from the rain the night before. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Atticus, I’m fine."

"Are you sure? Because you winced just now."

I snorted out an exhausted laugh. "I winced because someone was a little greedy in the shower this morning and had to fuck me twice."

He smiled contritely, but I could see the hint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I'm trying to make up for lost time."

"Yes, and I appreciate it. But I’m sore, so sometimes I'm going to wince a little. Especially when we're skipping over puddles."

"Okay, I promise, I'll take it easy the next couple of days."

"You will do no such thing, Atticus Price. Matter of fact, I might demand another shower this afternoon."

"Oh? Well, my wife is greedy."

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