Page 13 of Merger

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The bureaucracy aside, I loved the routine of going to the office and having people you got coffee with. Of getting the latest gossip and finding out who was dating whom. I loved my team. Every single one of them had been hand-picked by me. And it was time I got to really know the Pendragon employees too. At least the ones on this side of the ocean.

When we reached the office, it was so bizarre having to get on an elevator with five grown men. And the way they surrounded me, like the points of a star, was ridiculous. I was conspicuous, and it felt like overkill.

When we reached my floor, the one in front, Blaine, I think his name was, stepped aside to let me through. And I marched down the hall, trying to shake them a little because I didn't want my team seeing me flanked like I was some kind of royalty or something.

But the oddest thing happened. There was someone in my office, making me hesitate when I entered. The name placard still bore my name, but a blond white guy with a ruddy face was sitting there.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked hesitantly.

He glanced up, his wide, pale face expressive. "Oh, you're Gwen."

"That I am. The name is on the door."

"Sorry." He pushed to his feet. "I'm Jack. Atticus assigned me two weeks ago to kind of help the team keep going during your absence, and obviously, with your new responsibilities, we will be looking to transition them to me soon anyway. So I figured while the project was paused, it would be a good time to, you know, get to know everyone. Sorry for commandeering your office. I figured you'd be moving up to the suites anyway. I mean, that's if you're even going to be in the office much."

The more he talked, the more I frowned. His gaze skittered to the broody behemoth behind me, and his eyes went wide. "Oh, uh… Do you need your office now? Because I can use a cubicle until you're done."

"Done?" What the hell? I was back for good.

"Yeah. I figured you needed to pick something up. Isn’t that why you're here?"

"No. I'm here to work."

He blinked at me slowly. "Oh, right. I didn't know you'd be coming in to work today."

"That's strange because Atticus sure did." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Right. Okay, so like is there something in particular that you want me to do? I mean, I figured you have your hands full and the project is on hold anyway."

I narrowed my gaze at him. "Just for the record, that's my team out there." I was back now. Why was he under the impression that he was taking over my team?

"Oh, so no one has communicated that to you yet. Okay, well, think of me as, um, the new you. Right? I got this. Everyone seems cool, and we get on like a house on fire. So, if there's anything you need, I can tell them."

"Are you suggesting that I need an intermediary to speak to my people?"

His brows skipped up and down as if he couldn't quite see where he'd gone wrong. "Well, you know, it's probably easier that way. I mean, there's a lot of meetings and executive stuff you’ll be dealing with."

"How about this, Jack; it’s best not to assume. If I need you, I’m capable of communicating effectively. I'm trying to get my team back on track.”

“Don't you worry about it,” he said with a casual wave of his hand. “I've already got them under control. I'm sure Mr. Price will communicate a new release date, and then?—"

"Mr. Price will not, in fact, communicate a new release date," I said, my voice rising. "You're talking about my team, and I will provide a new release date."

His brows did that thing again. What the fuck was going on here? And who was this idiot, thinking that this was his team?

A saner voice prevailed in my head and told me to walk away.

I found Macy in her cubicle, and when I stepped around the corner, she grinned. "Oh, my God. You're back from the dead. Literally, I hear." She stood up and gave me a firm but gentle hug as if trying to be careful with me. "Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes."

"Who the fuck is that in my office?"

Macy rolled her eyes. "Oh, that dipshit. So friendly, that Jack, but dumber than a box of rocks. He has no idea how any of the software works. At least two or three times a day, he asks one of us, 'Oh, it doesn't do this?'." She rolled her eyes. "Where did Atticus scrounge him up from? All I know is that he showed up two weeks ago and said he's taking over the project."

She had to be kidding. "Taking over? What the hell?"

"Yeah. Something about you having new responsibilities now?"

I ground my teeth. "I do not have new responsibilities."

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