Page 66 of Fierce Protector

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Colton’s deep voice woke her fully. But what he said filled her with terror. “There’s a fire on the Davidsons’ ranch.”


“Hurry—we need all hands on deck to move the cattle.”

“I can’t go. I can’t leave Demi.”

“Webb’s staying behind. He’ll keep watch over her and everyone in the house.”

Demi called out, “You have to go!”

“Let me get dressed. I’ll just be a minute.”

“Meet us at the truck.”

Ledger spun toward her.

“I’m coming with you.” She scrambled out of their love nest, gripping the sheet tightly around her body while she located the clothes that he’d stripped off her earlier.

“No. You’re staying here.”

“I can help!”

“Promise me you’ll stay here. Keep the door locked and don’t leave.”


He grabbed her by the shoulders and thrust his face close to hers. “Baby, please listen to me. I don’t like being split up from you. Shit goes wrong when we’re apart. But I won’t risk you being in the middle of a wildfire while we try to get frightened animals to safety.”

She stared up at him, seeing the determination carved on his rugged features.

When she didn’t respond immediately, he slid his palm over her lower belly. Over their child.

“For him. Stay here for him.”

She nodded, struck mute with emotion. Then she cupped his jaw and went on tiptoe, stamping her mouth over his in a hard kiss.

“Stay safe. And come back to me!”

He clutched her hard against his chest, then he finished dressing and was gone.

Demi stood in the middle of the room, heart hammering. She raked her fingers through her hair, wondering what to do with herself.

She could go to the Graceys’ house and be with Meadow and Ivy. With any luck, Opal and her daughter were asleep in the guest room too.

But Ledger asked her to stay in the shed. Sitting here alone, worrying about him and the guys, and even the neighbor rancher and his animals, was her only option.

Covering her lower belly with her hand the same way that Ledger had, she sank to the futon again and drew the blanket around her shoulders. The world was going crazy lately. Tonight, they’d already lost one man.

She sat there, listening to the loud silence and the thrum of her own heart. Before long, her baby would hear it too. It would know her from the sound of its beat.

Digging her fingers into her eyes, she scrubbed away the tears that leaked out. “Please come back to us,” she whispered into the darkness.

The harsh vibration of her phone a few feet away made her jump. Her heart rocketed into her throat.

She snatched it up and stared at the screen, desperate to see Ledger’s name.

Instead, she was looking at the after-hours service that was connected to her office’s emergency hotline. Someone had a sick or injured animal.

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